Improving searching for reliable information

Background and Motivation

It was a good opportunity for me to help teachers and students of my school develop collaborative learning on how to search for reliable information. Although I am not currently a classroom teacher and do not have typical teaching responsibilities in my daily work, I continually pass on important information about helping potential teachers at my school. And they always find it helps them to develop and achieve their goals with their students. I feel confident that I have put together an outline of a meaningful and engaging informational session that will help students navigate the first steps of the degree process with confidence and clarity, ultimately helping them to differentiate themselves if becoming a teacher is the right move professionally at this time, and if so, how to make it happen reality. Not only that, she was able to think creatively about how she could leverage digital tools to make the session interactive, student-centric, and practically useful for those attending.


introduction for this six-day activity, this project focused on collaborative learning and how to search for and share information from trusted sources, which is a well-known learning strategy. Proven effective in many classroom activities. Students influence each other. Especially important, if it is directed in the desired way to achieve the desired goals. This strategy also gives the teacher more room to point out and talk about weaknesses, especially in classes with large numbers. Because of my belief in the positive results of collaborative teaching, I have sought to develop and integrate it with modern digital technologies and tools. This activity can be transformed through technology integration so that students can also access reliable information materials online and share their assessments with others. For this to happen, students need to practice good digital citizenship skills by acknowledging rights and responsibilities and participating in a positive, safe, legal, and ethical manner consistent with ISTE Student Standard #2.ISTE Standard 2: Digital Citizenship will be taught explicitly at the beginning of the year in a single lesson, modelled, and practiced. It will then be reviewed and incorporated into each lesson throughout the year, similar to how teachers usually teach routines. Informal assessment, scaffolding, and individual feedback are essential to helping students gain digital citizenship skills.

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results
Specific goals: During this unit, we will focus on collaborative learning between students, and students will learn how to search for reliable online resources.   It will: Use the ability to search for accurate information on the Internet in collaboration with the class students.They know the trusted sites for articles and information.Use online resources to learn.information while avoiding plagiarism and citing sources for their participation.ISTE Standards: Knowledge Builder 1.3. Students 1.3b:Students collaboratively assess the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.   What are the key questions that will be considered?

What are the main questions that will be considered?What tools can help us search for reliable sources?What are the tools that help us encourage students to collaborate outside the classroom?How can students access the information they need?Is this information online?What are good online resources?Online university libraries?The most important question?How can access to good sources be ensured?How can we create a safe environment for cooperation among students?What is the importance of obtaining information from reliable sources?Self-education guarantee?  

What understandings are desired?

Best practices for improving collaborative learning processes on how to research the Internet will be taught to students.   Students will know what characteristics a useful and trustworthy Internet resource should have.   Students will be able to learn cooperatively in an ethical and safe manner. Students will be able to use Internet materials in an ethically and legally responsible manner.   Students will understand the structure and purposes of online information. What key knowledge and skills will students acquire because of this unit? Students will acquire the following skills: knowledge of reliable sites for data and articlesKnow the skill of cooperative learning to search for information.Give feedback to colleagues cooperatively and ethically.Data collection skills Data analysis skills from different sourcesFind information online from trusted sources.The ability to search for information on the Internet.  

Students will be able to: Search the Internet for reliable information in cooperation with each other.Identify incorrect sources and information on the Internet.Learn about trusted sites on the Internet.Use tools that assist them in their search for information.Acquisition of communication skills and collaborative learning with students.

Stage 2 – Determine Assessment Evidence

What evidence will show that your students understand
collaborative learning ability.The ability to use information search skills.The ability to identify reliable sources.the ability to communicate with students in a safe environment.They can search for the source of the information.They can identify unreliable sources.They have the skills of analysis, interpretation, and asking questions about information to determine its credibility.The ability to use and share information in ways that are consistent with digital citizen standards to have knowledge of using research tools.To be able to draw on trusted sources to solve a problem in their community or school.
What other evidence needs to be collected considering Stage 1 Desired Results Student Self-Assessment and Reflection
The relationship between reliable sources and solving a problem in society is biased.What a digital technology and social media spread information can benefit our lives.Understand and demonstrate digital literacy.   Student self-evaluation and reflection Students will find and use trusted sources to solve problems in their community. Students will think of ways to find solutions with their skills in research and invention methods. Students will collaboratively research and devise a solution to a problem in their community. Students will help their community fight to find solutions to society’s problems through technology.  

Phase 4

Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
1.    Sharing and greeting (2-5 minutes)
 When students enter the room (or the virtual room, if they are online) they will see the video Writing Videos for Kids: How to Evaluate Sources for Reliability
This video serves three purposes:
1) Engages students from the moment they enter the classroom. This video helps them give them an idea of reliable information.
2) The teacher gives some time for the students to give and share their experience of searching for information with their classmates.
2.    Test of Credibility: (5 minutes)
 Students participate in quizizz to test their skills in identifying true and false information. H
3.    Introduction to reliable sources (10 minutes)
Start by forming small groups in a circle among the students to discuss and answer the question, “What are reliable sources?”
• Submit key questions and discuss the digital portal.
• Ask the students to brainstorm and then share their ideas.
• What would your trusted sources be involved in? How can they help you?
4.    independent practice (20 minutes) Searching.
·       Students will be able to access Google Slides which contain
Digital tools for research, instructions for using them, and reliable websites.    
·       . Students will research a problem in their community or school and search for reliable information on how to find the problem.
·       Students complete a ‘self-assessment’ form and submit it to the teacher. Rethink and review.
This self-evaluation is shared with the teacher, who will be able to evaluate and compare the students’ self-evaluation and the teacher’s on the same criteria. There will be cases where students may think they have identified the similar, but are missing a lot, or think they have understood the main idea but misunderstood it. This discrepancy is common. This valuable information creates the opportunity for a personal, teachable moment. The teacher will then provide feedback to the students, during a one-on-one meeting, through a message, or an explanatory video. How feedback is provided will be determined by the complexity of the intervention required and the preference of the student.
Include a title of an issue you researched/or text links here:
1.     What kind of problem did you search for?
2.     What website or digital tools did you use?
3.     Were you able to find a solution to the problem?
4.     Have you shared your sources with your colleagues?
Check all that apply:
I was able to
o   Understand reliable sources.
o   Use of digital tools and websites.
o   Understand how to share trusted sources with my colleagues.
o   Understand the importance of reliable sources.
What strategy helped you to search for reliable sources?
What would you do to improve your information search skills?
5.    Collaboration in small groups (10 minutes)
In a small group discussion, learners can share what they think about what reliable sources are, why they are important, and how they can share them. R, E2
     W, H, T.
6.    Informal Reflection and Evaluation (5 minutes)
Students collaborate in creating a word cloud of all the research skills they used to find reliable and engaging sources.
To interactively create the word cloud, I got the free version of Mentimeter.
(An alternative activity might be polling students using Poll Everywhere or Zoom.)
The teacher will read the word cloud to informally assess students’ answers. If something important was not included, the teacher will include it in a future lesson.
After class or homework: asynchronous learning and group discussion Rethink and review:
·       Students hand in or submit the self-assessment that was used in class.
·       Students share M The information students share will be similar to what they share verbally in groups.
The teacher reads the handouts and informally assesses the students’ communication skills to guide future learning.
This activity is scheduled once a week. While the Explanatory Communication Assessment will be given at the beginning of the course, during the first time the teacher explains the activity, and students will use it to measure and document their progress, it will only be filled out and handed to the teacher at the end of the term.
Turn this activity into an authentic assessment.
Ratings and titles will later be compiled on a public site that will serve as a reference for other classmates and possibly other students from the local school, district, and community.
Students will also collaborate in finding a problem in their community and searching for solutions.
   Differentiation determined.
This activity is completely tailored to the different needs, interests, and abilities of the learners as they look for problems in their community or in their school that are appropriate to their level, interests, and preferences.
Students will also have the option of reading printed books and reading materials from the classroom and/or school library. If the class is personal, the teacher can easily monitor who is doing the assignment and who is not. In the online classroom, the self-assessment can be shared with the teacher so that the teacher can see which titles have been chosen by observing shared Google Docs. The teacher will make suggestions and give direction to students who are not assertive or who are not doing an assignment.
digital citizenship
ISTE Standard 2: Digital Citizenship will be taught explicitly in one lesson and designed, practiced, and integrated into every lesson throughout the year, similar to how teachers normally teach routines. Informal assessment, scaffolding, and individual feedback are essential to helping students gain digital citizenship skills.
Six facets of understanding
The following are examples of the six aspects of understanding. Informal assessment, scaffolding, and feedback are essential to helping students reach all six aspects of understanding.
The student can explain what reliable sources are.
Students can learn which information comes from known sources.
Students can apply the knowledge gained from their search for solutions to society.
Students can share their trusted sources with their classmates.
Students can find solutions by researching an issue in their school or community.


In contrast to a single-day, one-hour lesson, the Understanding by Design framework is most frequently used in a unit. There will be more opportunities during a unit to describe the progression of students from pre-assessment to mastery. By including all WHERETO learning experiences and instructional steps in a single lesson, I hoped to improve a one-day unit. Through this exercise, I was able to improve my daily lesson plan and think about how the teaching methods might fit into a regular schedule. There might be elements, like formal assessments, that don’t occur frequently. Additionally, when using the UbD to plan one lesson, it became clear how students could reinforce previously covered ideas like digital citizenship. What would transpire, however, if a student had recently transferred from another institution or had been absent when digital citizenship was specifically covered? I would have to make a digital folder with all the documentation of previously taught concepts in order to prepare for such scenarios. Rubrics and handouts for daily activities can also include links, which is even better. Michelle Lampinen describes and offers examples of interactive rubrics in the Edutopia article Interactive Rubrics as Assessment for Learning. The links to supporting those skills can be included in every lesson, even though digital citizenship and the six facets of understanding are embedded throughout the units but may not all be realized in a single lesson. Students do not move through the six facets of understanding or improve their digital citizenship skills. in a linear or homogeneous manner. To support students, it is crucial to read their work and self-evaluations, monitor their progress, build scaffolds, make digital documents easily accessible, and provide each student with individualized feedback.


Gonzalez, J. (2014). Understanding by Design, Introduction and Chapters 1-4. [Blog post]. Accessed on March 10th 2021

Writing videos for kids: How to evaluate sources for reliability (2018) YouTube. Available at:

ISTE Standards for Students. Retrieved from

Hernandez, V. (2021) Sharing Resources with your school community and beyond, Edutopia. George Lucas Educational Foundation.

How can my kid find reliable sources for school reports? (no date) Common Sense Media.

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