Can Technology Help Foster Resilience Touch Points for Educators?

ISTE Coaching Standard 3 Collaborator reads, “Coaches establish productive relationships with educators in order to improve instructional practice and learning outcomes”. ISTE Coaching Standard 3.1 specifically reads: “Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies”. In my previous blog I talked about “resilience”. I would like to continue building […]

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Digital Learning Content That Is Relevant To Different Cultures

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, recognizing the value of diversity and inclusivity has become paramount to fostering meaningful learning experiences for all students. An effective approach to achieving this is through the use of digital learning content that is culturally relevant. This content acknowledges and respects the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of … Continue reading Digital Learning Content That Is Relevant To Different Cultures

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Culturally Responsive Computing Approaches

Introduction Culturally responsive computing (CRC) is an approach to designing technology education programs and tools that responds to the cultural contexts of learners and represents an intersection between computer science, education, and sociocultural understanding. It has roots in the extensive and well-studied area of culturally responsive teaching (CRT), which argues that empowering diverse students requires …

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Are we prepared to welcome AI into our classroom?

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into various aspects of our lives has become normal nowadays. Education, as an essential part of our lives, is no exception to this transformative technology. AI in education has emerged as a crucial topic, and there has been an increase in efforts to bridge the gap between educators and the potential…

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Can technology help build resilience strategies for students with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)?

ISTE Coaching Standard 3 Collaborator reads, “Coaches establish productive relationships with educators in order to improve instructional practice and learning outcomes”. ISTE Coaching Standard 3.4 specifically reads: “Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning”. The question I have posed in relation to this Standard is, […]

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Artificial Intelligence, what does research show us?

A rising amount of research has shown that artificial intelligence (AI) has had favorable effects on learning, engagement, and metacognition in recent years. Generative AI is a relatively young topic in learning contexts, and the potential of AI-generated media to help human learning is largely untapped. Global media attention has been drawn to recent developments […]

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Exploring Video Platforms in Teacher Settings: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction: Video platforms have become invaluable tools in education, providing educators with opportunities to showcase professional development, foster confidence and admiration, and create engaging learning experiences. This blog post explores and compares four popular video platforms commonly used in teacher education: Swivl, Edthena, Microsoft Stream, and Google Workspace. Additionally, privacy and security considerations are addressed … Continue reading Exploring Video Platforms in Teacher Settings: Advantages and Disadvantages

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Incorporating Competitive Programming into a Beginner Programming Course

Introduction Driven by the increasing automation and digitalization of virtually every workflow, programming has become an indispensable part of our lives. As a result, introducing programming at the earliest stage of education has become a hot topic of discussion among educators and academics alike. A particular area of interest is the concept of competitive programming …

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Building Trusting Coaching Relationship

Establishing a trusting and respectful coaching relationship is vital for successful professional development (PD) and acquiring desirable outcomes (Kim & Kuo, 2015). To build a strong, professional coaching relationship, a fundamental step is to build rapport. There is always a beginning in a relationship, which can set a tone for how the relationship will develop….

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