Jeff Birdsong 2022-05-31 00:03:21

“I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough…” I’ve always been a big fan of Saturday Night Live; some seasons more than

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Growth versus Fixed: Mindsets Matter

Think of yourself as a learner.  How did you get to where you are right now?  What belief system helped you get there?  Or what belief system adversely impacted your journey in getting where you want to be? In 2006, Carol Dweck, an Ameri…

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From Theory to Practice

I personally enjoy curriculum design, and the DEL program, especially the Digital Learning EDTC 6102 class has prepared me and inspired me to update my old lessons with ISTE standards, following the Understanding by Design Framework. Project Description The objective of this project is to create a World Language course that will transform the learning […]

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Developing an Employee Satisfaction Survey

Introduction Carrying out Employee Satisfaction Surveys has many benefits including the ability to measure the level of engagement and satisfaction of staff, to identify areas of strengths and best practices, as well as potential risks and opportunitie…

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“There’s a tool for that!”

As a teacher, the words optimal, effective, most suitable, best, efficient, maximum and greatest often catch my attention.  I have discovered early in my career that time is of the essence. Time is something that I always need, and most often, not…

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Co-Teaching. . .5 Years Later

In 2016, our school district began the year-long process of converting its junior high schools to middle schools. As part of this process, the district began steps to implement a co-teaching model for providing instructional services to a portion of our secondary special education population. The co-teach model pairs a

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