Innovative Designer


In the past few decades, obesity in the world has increased dramatically in my hometown and around the world, while the number of obese people has almost doubled in the past twenty years. The problem is exacerbated even more by its prevalence among children, as one in five children suffers from obesity. This increase is due to the lack of movement of children, malnutrition, and finally, the excessive use of technology. According to many studies, doctors have confirmed that obesity leads to many diseases. most notably, cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, or type 2 diabetes.


Therefore, I would like to ask a question to the students:How can they develop technology to aid in the fight against obesity in their community and school?

ISTE Student Standard 4, “Innovative Designer,” contains the statement that “students use a variety of techniques within the design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or innovative solutions.” The videos from the ISTE Playlist for Standard 4 show examples of problem-based learning where students use a variety of techniques within the design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or imaginative solutions. by identifying the problem of obesity and searching for solutions such as knowing the ideal body weight, calculating calories and the steps you need in your normal day, collaborating in designing and building prototypes, and conducting discussions to solve problems. “ The design attempts to exploit the affordances of either existing or emerging technologies” . Bates, A. W. (2022)


The most significant amount of weight loss is achieved with bariatric surgery, but it also carries the risk of serious medical issues and is frequently followed by weight gain [2, 3]. Medication for weight loss has significant side effects and is only marginally effective. Weight loss from dieting, whether done independently or with professional assistance, is minimal, and weight gain is the rule. The first line of treatment for weight loss is structured behavioral therapies that incorporate psychological techniques, behavioral change principles, and nutrition education. These therapies produce clinically significant weight loss. These procedures are costly, call for highly skilled medical professionals, result in many people losing weight in an unsatisfactory manner, and seem to work only as long as frequent doctor visits are kept up, after which the majority of participants regain most or all of the weight lost.their weight loss. Visit: Physical activity is usually necessary for weight control exercises, especially for maintaining weight loss. Most days of the week, 1 hour of moderate to vigorous activity is a typical prescription. Completing computerized inhibitory control training has been shown to alter eating habits and promote weight loss. With the help of apps and devices that make it relatively simple to track physical activity and calorie intake, smartphone apps that can offer real-time interventions, exercise games that make physical activity more motivating and rewarding, and customized control training, technology offers exciting solutions to help promote weight-control behaviors. tele-obesity interventions, which can deliver efficient, affordable interventions regardless of location, and computerized training can help people lose weight through specially designed computerized algorithms.programs that enhance the fundamental mental skills required to practice behavioral self-control.(Forman, E.M. et al.2016)

The first result was the percentage of fat mass, and the second result was eating healthy and unhealthy foods at the same time during moderate to vigorous physical activity. a higher composite score than the control group, especially in children with an FMI above 20. Hammersley et al. Technology-based interventions were categorized into three categories: active video gaming or exergaming; activities based on the web, the internet, or mobile applications; machine learning-based strategies; The duration of the intervention ranged from 1 week (35) to 3 years (41), and studies that used ML-based algorithms did not always specify the time period for data collection. Ten studies (13, 35, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49, and 51–53) were randomized controlled trials comparing a technology-driven intervention with a control group and a non-technology-based intervention (56), in which the control group played static video games compared to the intervention group. Various techniques have been used, including video game-based interventions, mobile phone-based interventions, web-based interventions, phone-based interventions, and machine learning-based interventions. Various parameters, such as BMI, body fat percentage, weight, heart rate, and BMI z-scores, were used in these interventions to measure the progress and success of the interventions. The current review divided the selected literature into three categories: active video games, physical exertion, passive video games, and internet- or mobile phone-based interventions; and ML-based interventions. Michie identifies 62 effective healthy eating and physical activity interventions and explains what makes the intervention effective in successfully changing participants’ lifestyles or behaviors for the better.(Alotaibi, M. et al.2022)

 The Colleges of Social Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and College of Health Solutions recently joined forces to sponsor a university-wide competition to combat childhood obesity, which was inspired by ASU’s Changemaker Challenge. Challengers were asked to approach the issue critically and globally, keeping in mind that, in addition to other factors, obesity is influenced by the environment, genetics, culture, socioeconomic status, and education. The winning student teams, FantasyXRT, Nutritional Health Awareness, and Partners in Empowerment, used a variety of viewpoints and academic specialties to come up with creative answers to important problems related to the obesity epidemic. The FantasyXRT team has concentrated on using the same tools that frequently keep youth inside and seated to turn the tables on the more sedentary youth. Ruben Garcia (Kinesiology) and David Ballard (Psychology) develop a fantasy sports website and mobile app that links users to the action of the games through wearable technology. Perks in fantasy sports are acquired throughout the day and include draft order, roster changes, and salary caps.( Rebecca Howe, 2015)


Alotaibi, M. et al. (2022) Efficacy of emerging technologies to manage childhood obesity, Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at: 

Forman, E.M. et al. (2016) Could technology help us tackle the Obesity Crisis?, Future science OA. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at: 

Howe, R. (2015) ASU students create innovative solutions for Childhood Obesity Challenge, ASU News. ASU News. Available at:\  

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