Digital Collaboration

Introduction: Global education as an idea and practice has attracted a lot of attention these days, and researchers have developed a theoretical framework for citizenship in the era of globalization. Three research-based dimensions of global citizenship are presented within this framework: understanding global events, issues, and perspectives; participation in global networks; and advocacy for global … Continue reading Digital Collaboration

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Innovative Designer

Introduction In the past few decades, obesity in the world has increased dramatically in my hometown and around the world, while the number of obese people has almost doubled in the past twenty years. The problem is exacerbated even more by its prevalence among children, as one in five children suffers from obesity. This increase … Continue reading Innovative Designer

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Information Credibility

Introduction The capacity to recognize, locate, assess, and use information effectively is known as information literacy (Information Literacy, 2017). a talent that is today essential given the availability and abundance of information. In order to combat the widespread dissemination of false information, educators must encourage students’ information literacy growth. Students must establish savvy research habits […]

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Computer Supported Cooperative Learning

Introduction: Shifts to distance learning due to the pandemic have prompted educators to rethink and adapt their pedagogy to the new environment of their classrooms. Many experienced the urgent need to prepare students to be successful in an ever-evolving technological landscape. The biggest challenge for parents was helping their children reach the online class. But […]

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Excessive Screen Time

DEL Mission Statement and Ethics Audit In Phases I, II, and III of developing this community engagement project, I selected three ethical values and wanted to focus on them when shaping my practice as a digital education leader. Those values are justice, security, and respect. And in the fourth model, I chose moderation. In the […]

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Module 3: Building Digital Bridges Across the Divide

Introduction EDTC 6101 ISTE Standard 7a: Inspire and encourage educators and students to use technology for civic engagement and to address challenges to improve their communities. Question: As technology continues to move our knowledge building, learning and interactions online, how do we re-frame our understanding of the role that schools play in our society by making it …

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Module 2: How do schools color in the digital lines?

Introduction EDTC 6101 ISTE Standard 7c: Support educators and students to critically examine the sources of online media and identify underlying assumptions. When schools are looking to protect their students in their digital environments, administrators start with the laws that are in place that their teachers, schools and districts have to follow. CIPA, the Children’s Internet Protection Act, …

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Module 1: Why Technology has Forced us to Share

Question: What are the ethical underpinnings of teachers creating curricula for schools for free? #EDU6101 “The information society is like a tree that has been growing its far-reaching branches much more widely, hastily, and chaotically than its conceptual, ethical, and cultural roots. The lack of balance is obvious and a matter of daily experience in …

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Digital Innovation & Problem-Solving in an IB Classroom

Standard: ISTE 6c: Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems with computational thinking. Question: How can my IB MYP Individuals & Societies students use digital platforms as a part of the design cycle to innovate and solve problems with computational thinking? As part …

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Ann K. Gilcrease

Written & Compiled by Ann Katherine Gilcrease. Educator & Lifelong Learner. Digital Education Leadership participant. Seattle Pacific University. Ann Gilcrease is a student in the Digital Education Leadership program at Seattle Pacific University. She received her Bachelors in Music with a minor in Cultural Anthropology from Transylvania University and is in the process of completing …

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