Digital Wisdom for Work Course Portfolio

Digital Wisdom for Work Course Portfolio

Undergraduate Teaching and Instructional Design

I co-taught a grant-funded undergraduate course in 2014-2015 (face-to-face) and 2015-2016 (online) called Digital Wisdom for Work. I created the course and managed it in Blackboard for the face-to-face course. For the 2015-2016 course, which was fully online, I designed the course in Canvas. The items in the portfolio are a collection of artifacts I created using Canvas and artifacts from a module I taught.


Syllabus for 2015-2016 course.

Syllabus for 2015-2016 course

A poster I created that was printed and posted around campus and also featured on the digital display in the library.Digital Wisdom for Work Poster 4x3

Course content from Canvas: an example of a reading response assignment.

An example of one assignment, a reading response.

Canvas screenshot of an assignment.

Course content from Canvas: each week featured a new module of activities. This is the second module (week two).

Each week featured a new module of activities. This was the second week's module.

Canvas screenshot of week 2.

I filmed, edited, and participated in the course intro video used to build instructor presence.


I filmed and edited the History of Technology video (featuring co-instructor, Michael Paulus).

Part I


Part II


I taught week 6, digital citizenship, which included creating the screencasts.

Canvas view of all activities for week 6.

Canvas view of all activities for week 6.

Canvas view of week 6 overview - part 1.

Canvas view of week 6 overview – part 1.

Canvas view of week 6 overview - part 2.

Canvas view of week 6 overview – part 2.

Introduction to Digital Citizenship


Digital Citizenship – Nine Elements


Digital Identity Formation and Privacy


Digital Reputation and Participation

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