ISTE Standards for Educators 2.6 – Facilitator

To support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students,  I facilitate learning with technology using the Personalized Learning instruction model facilitated by LMS. By implementing PL instruction models, I can foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings (2.6.a.). as seen in my blog post “Teacher Roles in Personalized Learning Environment.

Personalized learning instruction models facilitated by the LMS enable me to manage technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces, or in the field (2.6.b.).

To create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems (2.6.c.), I gave Project-Based Learning (PBL) activities, such as e-module for teaching English. As seen in my blog post “Boosting Students’ Innovative Design and Computational Thinking Through Project-Based Learning in Higher Education,” designing E-Module for English for Specific Purposes is an output product from the Curriculum and Technology Design (CTD) course, which is given to the 7th-semester students of the English Department. CTD is designed to develop students’ understanding of how technology can be integrated into EFL innovative curriculum designs and create a technology-enabled instructional strategy to promote EFL teaching and learning.

As an educator, I also model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge, or connections (2.6.d.) through various modalities, such as LMS forum discussions, emails, WhatsApp groups, and video conferencing.

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