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ISTE Standard for Coaches 4.3, The Collaborator, states: “Coaches establish productive relationships with educators in order to improve instructional practice and learning outcomes.”

Performance indicators:

  • 4.3.a. Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.
  • 4.3.b. partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate and aligned to content standards.
  • 4.3.c. Partner with educators to evaluate the efficacy of digital learning content and tools to inform procurement decisions and adoption.
  • 4.3.d. Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning.

Supporting evidence for ISTE standard 4.3:

I had the opportunity to be a presenter at the 2021 WAFLT Virtual Conference. Planning and creating the resources for this presentation gave me an opportunity to research and reflect on best practices for Coaching, especially in regards to ISTE standard for coaches 4.3 – Collaborator.

A reflection and explanation on how the performance indicators for this standard align with each component of the presentation is included in my blog post Blended Learning in the World Language Classroom.

Establishing trusting and respect is fundamental to a coaching relationship (ISTE Standard 4.3.a). In my blog post Respect in the Digital Age, I present the question “how can we ensure we treat others respectfully?” To establish respect, it is important to be kind and patient, and consider cultural difference, understand the existence of misunderstanding, consider the digital gaps and divides, and take a proactive role to help others gain cultural understanding.

In the blog post Relevant & Simple PD I also address ISTE Standard 4.3.a. as I present two coaching strategies (Relevance and Simplicity) to inspire and encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies effectively and efficiently.

I also had an opportunity to partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturally relevant and developmentally appropriate and aligned to content standards (ISTE standard 4.3.b) and to evaluate the efficacy of digital learning content and tools to inform procurement decisions and adoption (ISTE standard 4.3.c) was during a Peer Coaching project. This project included the use of Google Earth. Before the project, the school had Google Earth blocked so students could not access it. After the project and a presentation on the cultural relevancy, appropriateness and alignment to World Language standards, Google Earth was approved for use by teachers and students.

The activity was not only approved to be used by the World Language department, Professional Development sessions on Blended Learning were scheduled to model effective uses of digital tools and CANVAS to improve student learning (ISTE standard 4.3.d).

On February 1st, 2022, I presented a Professional Development session on Blended Learning that focused on Fostering classroom discussions using CANVAS. This session provided the opportunities for active learning and personalized support (ISTE standard 4.3.d).  During the session, teachers had time to plan and design lessons that could include CANVAS for blended learning, and to foster collaboration. Here is the link to the slides used for the presentation: Fostering classroom discussions using CANVAS.

Additionally, I have submitted a request for the creation of a Professional Development course in CANVAS, where teachers can engage in discussions, and where all the resources can be saved. The CANVAS course will also serve as a place for on-going professional development and collaboration.



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