Community Engagement Project

In this age of automation, seeing the opportunity to reflect and rethink our current education system and taking charge of the AI transformation already here has become crucial. Just as most of us had no idea that AI has been used to shape our lives in work, shopping, transportation …etc., if educators don’t act first, big named companies will get into education with AI tools that will profit them, but the decisions will not be student-centered. Educators already know what’s best for the teaching and learning environment. Therefore, my presentation “Preparing Teachers and Students for AI Literacy through Project-Based Learning,” is an attempt to share how AI literacy will become a critical aspect of education and that students must learn AI from teachers, not from the outside world where we cannot guarantee safety. In many ways, the Community Engagement Project has changed my views on AI integration in education overall. I am more optimistic now but understand my role as a gatekeeper, making sure what’s coming into the classroom door. For me the presentation is, more than anything, seeing the need to get involved in AI integration and doing something about it. For the educators, administrators, and stakeholders contemplating the integration of AI into classrooms, will have the opportunity to look at all angles of AI technology and talk about it with the same goal in mind: the safety and well-being of our students.

  1. Presentation Duration:
    The presentation is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of AI literacy and explore hands-on project-based learning. The estimated time for the presentation is as follows:
    • Introduction (5″)
    • What is AI? (15″)
    • AI Ethics and challenges (15″)
    • AI tools for Schools (15″)
    • Workshop & Project Review: Project-based learning for AI Literacy “Who’s in Control?” (30″)
    • What’s next? (5″)
    • Q&A (15″)
    Total estimated length: 100 min (1hr and 40min)
  2. Active and Engaged Learning:
    The presentation has an interactive session, we will review a project example for AI literacy and how to integrate it into the classroom. We will explore practical strategies for educators to integrate AI concepts into the curriculum through project-based learning. Through real-world examples and hands-on activities, attendees will gain insights into adapting project-based learning to AI literacy, equipping students to thrive in the AI-driven future.
  3. Content Knowledge and Standards:
    The presentation effectively addresses participants’ content knowledge needs by breaking down complex AI concepts into digestible sections. It employs relatable examples from AI use in everyday lives and in education. Addressed ISTE Coaching Standards by looking at AI integration from all different angles, including cultural relevance, and developmental appropriateness of contents. The presentation focuses on the Five Big Ideas in AI standards by showing how AI models process and interpret data to its impact on society.
    *Example of standards covered: (Retrieved from ISTE AI Ethics “Who’s in Control?” project)
    ISTE Standards for Students, AI4K12 Five Big Ideas in AI,
    Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts,
    CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards, and Media Literacy Standards to Counter Truth Decay
  4. Addressing Teacher Needs:
    The focus of the presentation is acknowledging that educators are key drivers of successful AI integration and encouraging their involvement. Emphasis is on how AI should be seen as an assistant to address teachers’ needs rather than a replacement and AI Literacy should be considered as starting point for teachers. Teachers will see the need and benefits of AI integration which will free up more time for them to have quality interactions with their students.
    Key Takeaways:
  • Understand the fundamentals of AI and its relevance to modern education.
  • Learn strategies to integrate AI concepts into existing curriculum and classroom activities.
  • Discover innovative ways to engage students in AI literacy through project-based learning.
  • Navigate ethical considerations and address challenges in AI integration.

5. Promoting Collaborative Participation:
The presentation calls for collaborative participation by educators, administrators, and stakeholders. It emphasizes that AI’s successful integration requires cross-disciplinary collaboration. The project-based learning solicit teachers and student feedback and involving them in the evaluation process addressing learning needs. The main purpose is for educators to get involved with designing and planning of AI integration into education. The presentation concludes with the need to take collaborative action and encourage participation to be part of the transformation.



Handouts: ISTE AI Ethics guide: Hands-on AI projects for the classroom

In essence, the presentation “Preparing Teachers and Students for AI Literacy through Project-Based Learning” successfully navigates the intricate landscape of AI literacy in education. By strategically addressing the duration of the presentation, catering to content knowledge needs, acknowledging teacher requirements, and promoting collaborative participation, the presentation equips educators and stakeholders with the tools they need to embrace AI’s transformative potential. As the AI landscape evolves, presentations of this nature play a crucial role in bridging the gap between AI technology and education, fostering an environment where students and teachers alike can thrive in an AI-driven world.

ISTE Coaching Standard 3 – Collaborator:

Coaches establish productive relationships with educators in order to improve instructional practice and learning outcomes. Coaches:

  •   3.a Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.

-By participating in the educational conference, opens up opportunities to establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships. The conference itself attracts educators and administrators with shared interests and objectives that help to foster a sense of community and trust. Educators come to the conference expecting new instructional ideas and strategies so it is the best outlet to introduce new tools for exploration. I will introduce project-based learning as a strategy to teach AI Literacy.

  •  3.b Partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate and aligned to content standards.

-The intention of the presentation is to look at integrating AI into education from all different angles and have a comprehensive understanding of its benefits and challenges. The presentation includes a section on cultural relevance. Also, by exploring the example of project-based learning content, we will go over whether the AI project is developmentally appropriate for targeted grade levels and meets content standards such as ISTE Standards, CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards, AI4K12 Five big ideas in AI and etc.…

  • 3.c Partner with educators to evaluate the efficacy of digital learning content and tools to inform procurement decisions and adoption.

-During the workshop, there is opportunity to do comprehensive evaluation of project-based learning for AI Literacy and the resources. Also, pilot in their classroom which will strengthen partnership and provide more opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of AI tools in the classrooms.

  •  3.d Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning.

-The presentation concludes by urging educators to get involved and be part of the change. The desired outcome of the presentation is for educators and stakeholders to see the need to get involved in designing, planning, and modeling of AI integration to improve student learning.

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