Effective Professional Development

During the pandemic, digital technology has indeed assisted many schools in solving the problem that teachers can still teach to a certain extent when students cannot return to school for standard classes. To help teachers master and understand how to use digital technology more effectively in teaching. But as school administrators and teachers themselves, how to identify or assess whether this professional learning is effective and achieves the intended purpose. Suppose professional learning outcomes cannot be effective; teacher and student learning will not maximize. In addition, it is even more impossible for the school administration to make a correct judgment and balance for the investment of workforce, material resources, time, and funds. In the long run, whether the school can achieve the overall desired goals will also become a disadvantageous factor.

What is essential for Professional Development:

Moore’s post provides eight steps to building effective professional learning. (1)Choose a focus and stick with it;(2)Provide interactive training; (3)Provide modeling; (4)Provide ongoing professional support; (5)Provide planning and collaboration time; (6)Involve administration in training;(7)Evaluate and reflect; and (8)Celebrate success! (Moore, 2018) But at the same time, he also mentioned at the beginning of his article that many times professional development for teachers is a one-time workshop. The teacher seems to enter the training with anticipation and excitement, but how many can apply what they have learned so that there is no way to accurately determine the value that brings the most significant benefits to both students and teachers. (Moore, 2018) Analysed from this angle, Moore proposes that the sixth and seventh steps are more critical among the eight steps.

Result Oriented:

Another article, “Evaluating professional learning: Measuring educator and student outcomes.” (2014), makes no mistake between outputs and outcomes. Assessments for professional development must measure teacher and student learning outcomes. Colleagues in this article make the following key points and are an ideal framework and method for a transparent evaluation of professional learning. 

Step 1: Analyze student, educator, and system data.

Step 2: Set learning goals for students and educators

Step 3: Establish benchmark indicators 

Step 4: Establish and implement a learning plan 

Step 6: Conduct a summative evaluation 

Step 7: Formulate conclusions about successes and areas for further improvement

According to “Evaluating professional learning: Measuring educator and student outcomes.” (2014), Tere are seven integral parts of evaluating professional teacher learning. Evaluate There must be sufficient data for analysis to understand the current situation of students and teachers and what assistance and training are needed to improve their existing situation. Most importantly, the process must ensure that the goals are clear, defined, balanced, and aligned with the school’s goals. In addition, assessment needs to be carried out continuously to improve the quality of professional development continuously.

A method for professional development assessment was also found in another resource, and they provide a checklist that is also useful. However, this tool assists in gathering information about what individual students, participating educators, and institutions benefit from professional development. Are there any commonalities and shared goals between the results obtained by the three parties? (Evaluating the impact of professional learning, 2021)


Moore, D., (2018) 8 Steps to effective professional development., https://artsintegration.com/2018/06/01/8-steps-effective-professional-development/

(2014), Evaluating professional learning: Measuring educator and student outcomes., Leaning forward, https://learningforward.org/march-2014/evaluating-professional-learning-outcomes/

(2020), Evaluating the impact of professional learning., Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) https://www.aitsl.edu.au/teach/improve-practice/practical-guides/evaluating-the-impact-of-professional-learning

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