Digital Tools Abound:  Connection Between GCP and ISTE Teaching Standard 2


My Global Collaborative Project (GCP) is to facilitate the #NWTOSACHAT for an evening.  Reflecting on the connection between ISTE Teaching Standard 2, Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments and my preparation and live facilitation, I would like to share that facilitating a Twitter Chat involves incorporating many many digital tools.  To begin with, there was some Twitter direct messages to hatch the idea.  Then, there was the advertising via Twitter, Google+, and email. I did not know if everyone I was emailing would know how to participate in a Twitter Chat so I had to vet some YouTube videos that would best explain how a Twitter Chat works. In between, there was collaboration on a shared Google Presentation with two Future Ready TOSAS of the six questions and other slides for the night.  I also created a reflective Google form to be taken at the end of the chat.  Based on that, I think that my work on this connects well to what Teaching Standard 2a notes, “design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools to promote student learning.” In my case, this would be coach learning.  I was both planning the “lesson” with digital tools, but also educating possible participants with other digital tools to enable full participation.  

ISTE Teaching Standard 2b connects as well, “Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.”  Attendees of the chat became active participants as they answered the six questions that were posed and they also were able to assess their own progress through the Google form at the end of the chat.

Image:  ChrissyH. Connection. (CC BY 2.0)

International Society for Technology in Education. (n.d.). ISTE Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from


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