Be true to yourself and be true to others: building a healthy digital community.

Life is about finding out who you are and realizing your true purpose. We all go through the pain of growing up and the fear of facing the real world. As adolescents, we spend our time and energy figuring out how we fit in. Making decisions on what we wear, what we listen to, and…

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Reaching Everyone

The importance of reliable internet infrastructure is multi-faceted: from its role in education, its ability to allow for businesses to become or remain competitive, the ability to provide physical and mental health service, and even to provide reliable emergency services is all part of the way that the internet is not a luxury but an essential service (Education Superhighway, n.d.).  Even though accessible, reliable, affordable internet access is a generally popular concept, it is not an easy task to make happen, especially in Alaska.

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Equitable Access for Shared Learning and Community Engagement

My original question and value of interest centered on the idea of equitable ownership of data and information when developed through collaborative means. However, my focus kept bringing me back to the broader subject of “digital equity”, and I reflected on whether I was more interested in data or information. What I discovered is that […]

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Culturally Responsive Teacher = Culturally Responsive Classroom

No doubt, school trips provide students with the discovery of new places, people, styles, and cultures. However, in today’s world where mobility is a matter of ease, it is indispensable to consider culture as an important part of the lessons.

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How Do We Discern and Justify Truth Online?

The value that I originally aimed to address was the fair use of information. As I began examining that value, I raised the question – how do we discern and discover what is true, especially within digital media? Truth is such a complex idea with a variety of layers. Terms such as “data”, “information”, “knowledge”, […]

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What it takes to be a responsible Digital Citizen

What would it take to raise a child to be a responsible digital citizen? We get wisdom from African proverbs, saying, ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ It’s true. The responsibilities are for us all. Whether you are government authorities, educators, parents, or companies benefiting from students, we all share the responsibilities, and…

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Finding Empathy Online

The article discusses how social media may be contributing to a lack of empathy among young people. It suggests that because people only share their best moments online, it can be hard for others to connect with them and understand their experiences.

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Quality learning in progress

Researching the quality assurance process for digital education, I realized there are no general standards that apply to all—instead, it’s a work in progress. I started with a question, ‘Can we trust the sources of online teaching materials?’ I immediately became curious about who and how we do quality checks for digital learning. First, I…

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To Trend or Not to Trend

The duality of privacy in an information age can create some interesting challenges for the modern educator. There is a need to be unique online, to trend, go viral, connect with many others, and add your voice and ideas to the globe.

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Can We Keep At-Risk Children Safe in a Fast Paced Digital World?

The Question that I have been asking is: How do we create a safe environment, online, for children who have experienced abuse and/or neglect to heal, learn and grow? As I work to try and find some possible solutions for this question, I need to first identify that I do not believe it is entirely […]

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