The Most Important Aspects for A Technology-rich Professional Learning Program

Every educator has the responsibility to foster their own competency of using technology to enhance teaching and learning in the 21st century. The technology-rich professional learning program is important for every educator, including who like taking risks to try new teaching method with technology and also who are reluctant to have changes. The ideal technology-rich professional …

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Principals Best Support in Educational Technology PD

Principals play an important role in teacher’s professional development program on educational technology. Their vision determines the PD’s direction and also impact on student learning. If the school want to enhance technology-based learning environment, teachers will be confident on taking the risk to pilot technology-based teaching initiate with the effective supports from principals. So I …

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What is the Best Practices should be Included in Personalized Professional Development?

ISTE Coaching Standards ISTE Standard 4: Professional Development and Program Evaluation Performance Indicator B ● Design, develop, and implement technology rich professional learning programs that model principles of adult learning and promote digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment. Retrieved from What is Personalized PD? As educators in the 21st century, we …

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Motivate and Engage Teachers to Be Positive Learners in PD on Educational Technology – considering adult learning principles

ISTE Coaching Standards ISTE Standard 4: Professional Development and Program Evaluation Performance Indicator B ● Design, develop, and implement technology rich professional learning programs that model principles of adult learning and promote digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment. Inquiry Question:How can we design the professional development /What kind of PD can motivate …

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Design an Effective and Impactive Professional Development for Teachers that Utilizes Educational Technology

ISTE Coaching Standards ISTE Standard 4: Professional Development and Program Evaluation● Design, develop, and implement technology rich professional learning programs that model principles of adult learning and promote digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment. How to Define Professional Development is Effective Fullan (2007) argues that external approaches to instructional improvement are rarely …

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Peer Coaching Project

This is the second year for me taking the DEL program at Seattle Pacific University. This quarter we learned from Dr. Foltos and Dr. Wicks on how to be a productive tech coach and what essential coaching skills determine the effect and success of peer coaching. We have an incredible opportunity to practice the coaching …

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ISTE-Coaching: Supporting and Sustaining Successful Coaching

ISTE Coaching Standards ISTE-C Standard 2: Teaching, Learning, and Assessment f. Coach teachers in and model incorporation of research-based best practices in instructional design when planning technology-enhanced learning experiences Standard 6: Content Knowledge and Professional Growth b. Engage in continuous learning to deepen professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions in organizational change and leadership, project management, …

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ISTE for Coaches – Co-planning 21st century learning activities

ISTE-C Standard 1: Visionary Leadershipd. Implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology innovations and manage the change process in schools and classrooms ISTE-C Standard 2: Teaching, Learning, and Assessmentf. Coach teachers in and model incorporation of research-based best practices in instructional design when planning technology-enhanced learning experiences Inquiry Question:How can we use SAMR model to …

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ISTE For Coaches – Defining and Implementing 21st Century Learning

ISTE-C Standard 1: Visionary Leadershipd. Implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology innovations and manage the change process in schools and classroomsISTE-C Standard 2: Teaching, Learning, and Assessmentf. Coach teachers in and model incorporation of research-based best practices in instructional design when planning technology-enhanced learning experiencesISTE-C-Standard 6: Content Knowledge and Professional Growth1. Engage in continual …

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ISTE For Coaches -Developing Coaching Skills

ISTE-C Standard 1: Visionary Leadershipd. Implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology innovations and manage the change process in schools and classrooms Standard 2: Teaching, Learning, and Assessmentf. Coach teachers in and model incorporation of research-based best practices in instructional design when planning technology-enhanced learning experiences Inquiry Question:How can you build positive and comfortable relationship …

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