Edtech Coach: How to get the most out of classroom observations

In this blog post, I will discuss best practices for classroom observations, how to collect information, and how to utilize technology to enhance communication and collaboration during and after observations. The focus is a teacher-driven, peer observation model (Grimm et al., 2014), emphasizing collaboration and learning. The observation phase can be a learning experience for both the Edtech coach and the partner teacher, enhancing professional development and, at the same time, providing opportunities for improving lessons, which will further benefit the students in achieving their learning goals (McBride, 2021). Consequently, it is essential to adequately prepare for observations and establish clear, mutually agreed-upon goals in advance to effectively link observations with lesson improvement.

Question: How can an Edtech coach gather information by observing the partner teachers’ lessons, and how can they collaborate to improve them?


Pre-observation meeting

The teacher must take the lead in setting a focus for the observation during a pre-meeting, sharing relevant background information about the upcoming lesson. The coaching process aims to empower teachers to initiate and lead the change process, not just be part of it like the traditional evaluative observations. During the pre-observation meeting, it is important to clearly define the observation’s purpose, whether student engagement, instructional strategies, or classroom management, to guide the process effectively (Grimm et al., 2014). There should be a collaborative discussion on lesson goals and strategies, setting the stage for effective post-observation discussions.


The actual observation phase involves collecting data without preconceived perceptions, emphasizing interactions between the teacher and students. Take notes, bring checklists, find out if audio or video recordings are possible, and use peer observation forms (Grimm et al., 2014). Also, maintain the integrity of the observation process to build trust. Observations should only occur with the teacher’s consent, and feedback should remain confidential and strictly used for professional development rather than evaluative purposes. Maintain a non-intrusive presence to ensure a natural teaching environment that accurately reflects the teacher’s methods (Baker, 2023). Concentrate on specific aspects of the lesson, avoiding overwhelming feedback with excessive information. Focus areas include classroom dynamics, student interactions, and the effectiveness of instructional materials. Student data can be truly beneficial in improving classroom instruction (OpenAI, 2023). “The learning space is an open and democratic forum where things get to be changed if need be or maintained and improved when necessary (Barnes, 2021)”. One crucial piece of evidence collected from students that positively impacts student learning relates to their learning assessment (Student Achievement Solution, 2023).

Post-observation meeting

After the lesson, you can review your notes or recordings and prepare questions or comments for the post-observation meeting. The post-observation debrief is a collaborative process where the teacher and observer analyze the data to understand its implications for the relationship between teaching and student learning, specifically regarding the teacher’s predetermined focus (Grimm et al., 2014). During the post-observation meeting, staying descriptive while sharing collected data is crucial. Staying descriptive is a challenging yet powerful skill in teacher-driven observation, fostering a richer foundation for discussion by presenting data without premature conclusions (Grimm et al., 2014). The collaborative approach emphasizes a constructive, growth-oriented approach to professional development. Stay positive, and highlight both strengths and areas for improvement with constructive feedback supported by specific examples. Collaborate with the teacher to set goals for improvement and develop a practical action plan. Encourage using coaching cycles, which engage teachers in an ongoing cycle of setting goals, co-planning and implementing lessons, and debriefing afterward. “It’s a very intentional reflection and feedback loop that allows the coach to deeply personalize the professional learning (McBride, 2021).”

Tips for technology use during observations and improving lessons

  • Capture the entire lesson with video recording tools, enabling a detailed review of teaching methods and student dynamics.
  • Explore apps facilitating real-time data collection and streamlining documentation of specific behaviors or instructional strategies (OpenAI, 2023).
  • Implement digital surveys or feedback forms for students to provide anonymous input on the lesson, offering insights into engagement and comprehension (Barnes, 2021).
  • Use technology to leverage data analysis to identify patterns and trends in student performance, informing adjustments to instructional strategies.
  • Incorporate formative assessments during lessons using digital tools for student understanding in real time. Encourage collaboration through platforms like Google Workspace or Microsoft Teams, fostering real-time collaboration on lesson plans and resource sharing.
  • Explore online resources focused on integrating technology into teaching practices, sharing them with teachers to enhance their skills. Implement digital portfolios for students to showcase their work, providing a comprehensive view of their progress over time.
  • Explore adaptive learning platforms that tailor content to individual student needs, providing personalized insights into their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Utilize collaborative document platforms like Google Docs or Microsoft Word Online for shared lesson planning and resource creation.
  • Participate in online PLCs to share insights, resources, and best practices with educators beyond the immediate school community.

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