EDTC 6105 : Maintaining Balance While Teaching and Supporting Others

Anyone who’s ever worked in a school, knows that the school day for teachers does not end when the bell rings.  The question many then ask is, what are teachers still doing at school 2 hours after the bell, or why was there car parked there all day Saturday?  Looking at this week’s coaching standards …

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EDTC 6105: Peer Coaching Without Overwhelming

How can peer coaches support colleagues without overwhelming them? This quarter, at SPU, we’re being asked to practice peer coaching, and of course, I’m beginning to realise how daunting of a task that can truly be. Approaching colleagues with good intentions is not enough to ensure a productive outcome.  We are all busy, new hurdles …

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EDTC 6105: What Defines a 21st-Century Classroom?

Continuing in my Digital Education Leadership program, I’ve been asked to consider the role of three ISTE Coaching Standards and how they can be utilized to support others. These standards led me to question what traits define a 21st-century classroom. How could I share these traits with others? If I walk into a classroom to …

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EDTC 6105: Establishing Trust Before Technology in the Classroom

In my previous blogpost, I began looking at how peer coaches can inspire and assist teachers with technology implementation.  Continuing to use ISTE Coaching Standards (2f) to drive inquiry, I am now looking specifically at the importance of establishing trust. A recent study surveyed 250 teachers regarding technology in the classroom. They found that 78% …

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