Digital eLearning: A Journey In Progress

The Pre-College Institute Pathways Service Learning Tutors is an ever-evolving group of undergraduate students from San Diego State University, with over 120 service-learners this academic year the training on logistical systems and expectations takes up a large amount of my time. My first two semesters were full of preparing for the training, facilitating the training … Continue reading Digital eLearning: A Journey In Progress

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The First Impression of a Digital Instructional Coach

As an educator I find myself saying “In our jobs, we are never bored”. I mean this as a complement to the profession; it doesn’t matter if I am in a room full of young students, college students, or adult learners, I am never bored and plan on keeping it that way. Often the cost of … Continue reading The First Impression of a Digital Instructional Coach

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Facilitate Failure to Allow For Creation

How many times did the technological ‘Founding Fathers’ have to fail in order to create something our world could not live without? When I think about it, all of our founding fathers in American history, focused on citizenship at a deep level, they created, they failed, they redesigned, and they worked at the idea again… Continue reading Facilitate Failure to Allow For Creation

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