Coaching Roles and Responsibilities

What is essential to successful coaching? 

Where do you start? This week has been full of knowledge and enlightenment for me. It has been exciting to finally dive into the coaching side of digital leadership. I have grown to feel competent with the utilization, facilitation and implementation of digital tools and how they relate to teaching and student learning, but I have been craving the knowledge and confidence that will begin to mold me into a coaching role. When I started to explore the question of what is essential to successful coaching, I didn’t know what aspect to begin with. My first thought was relationships. They are vital and important in every aspect of life, and I naturally gravitate to building and maintaining them in my personal and professional life.

My own inquiry began around what components were most essential to creating a successful relationship in a coaching role. Some of them seem obvious to me. I think building any relationship has the same basic components: trust, respect and common ground, and when I started to look for more I was drawn to other aspects of coaching. My thinking evolved into a deeper understanding of what peer coaching really was. Within that I really became interested in the roles and responsibilities and what that entails. Below is an infographic I created on Piktochart that summarizes the most important roles and responsibilities of a coach.



Foltos, L. (2014). The Secret to Great Coaching. Retrieved from

Mentoring and coaching models. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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