Mission Statement


Mission: to create a technology rich environment where students, colleagues, and administration can be knowledgeable, competent digital citizens and for students to have access to knowledge expanding technology resources. This mission addresses the need for collaboration and a deeper understanding of digital citizenship.

Explanation: Technology is a tool that can be used to strengthen a person’s understanding of a topic. I want to help others use technology in a meaningful way to get the most out of their learning. Embracing technology in the classroom allows for students to be prepared for a future career, encourages collaboration, student engagement, creates new learning experiences, connects to all learning styles, and teaches students responsibility on and offline. With how fast technology is growing I want to be there to support others who might feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or lost on where to start. However, it’s important to remember that technology can make education better but it cannot replace good teaching (Ribble). With the implementation of technology teachers still play an important role. Technology cannot replace how a teachers understandings of students and their needs influence teaching strategies, actions, and judgements. Teachers can use technology to support and extend a learning experience.

Guiding Principles:

Collaboration/Communication: Collaborating with one another whether that is among students, staff, or the community it allows for people to work together, share ideas, and implement problem solving strategies. When it comes to teaching students appropriate digital use teachers must understand what that looks like for themselves. When teachers work together through professional growth opportunities or discussions are staff meetings to create their understanding they then can have discussions with students. These discussions allow for students to have clear understandings of how to avoid misunderstandings when online especially when using technology for interpersonal interactions (Ribble). By staff collaborating and co-learning with students both can discover and use new digital tool resources.

Access: For students to extend their learning they must have equitable access to digital resources and tools. Using technology whenever possible in the classroom helps provide equity among students at school. Schools and district should identify students who don’t have access to technology and develop a plan to help those students get the technology tools they need to expand their knowledge. Districts can seek partnerships with providers, this collaboration encourages corporations, libraries, non-profits to work toward the goal of equity of access.  Some districts are already making a difference with identifying and providing for students who have limited or no access. Providing access for all students and staff is important for all. It provides the opportunity for all learners to create new experiences. “Technology is more than an information delivery tool. It is a tool that can be used by learners to build and create manifestations of learning” (Jones). Access to technology sets all students up for equal success in a digital society by providing them with digital literacy and citizenship.

Digital Literacy: Hibberson defines digital literacy as “the capabilities which fit someone for living, learning, and working in a digital society.” Today many students are growing up with technology glued to their hand, however, these students might not be getting the necessary skills for appropriate technology use and etiquette. Most of the time students are being taught how the technology works rather than how to use the technology appropriately (Ribble). Working as a team students staff, and administration need to work beyond teaching and learning basic technology skills such as word processor and excel. Jisc believe students should possess the capabilities listed in the Seven Elements of Digital Literacies some examples are managing a digital reputation/identity and being able to find, interpret, evaluate, manage, and share information.

Seven element of digital literacies

Seven Elements of Digital Literacies [Digital image]. (2014, December 16). Retrieved December 18, 2017, from https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/developing-digital-literacies

Digital Citizenship: Digital citizenship is to prepare students for a society full of technology. Students should be aware of their actions toward their digital footprint and digital identity (ISTE 5b). When interacting with technology it is important to be mindful how to safely and ethical participate online.  While students have a role in digital citizenship so do educators and administrators. It is our role to model and facilitate safe and ethical interactions online. We also need to ensure that there is equitable access to digital tools and resources that promote technology best practices for students and teachers (ISTE 5c). When you teach digital citizenship you help create a positive school culture that supports safe and responsible technology use. Ribble stated “technology provided without directions or instruction has the potential to cause issues with others”. In the past it was hard to hold people accountable for their actions online. Now with Ribble’s nine elemental areas and ISTE standards appropriate use can be taught. Some schools have benefited from teaching digital citizenship with fewer incidents of misuse. Teaching digital citizenship makes users stop and think about others they interact with.



Hibberson, S., Barrett, E. and Davies, S. (2015). Developing Students’ Digital Literacy. [online] Jisc. Available at: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/developing-students-digital-literacy

ISTE Standards: Coaches. (2011). [PDF file] International Society for Technology in Education. Available at: http://www.iste.org/docs/pdfs/20-14_ISTE_Standards-C_PDF.pdf

Jones, M. and Bridges, R. (2016). Equity, Access, and the Digital Divide in Learning Technologies: Historical Antecedents, Current Issues, and Future Trends. The Wiley Handbook of Learning Technology, [online] pp.327-47. Available at: http://alliance-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/SPU:spu_alma_summit:CP51247078040001451

Ribble, M. and Miller, T. (2013). Educational Leadership in an Online World: Connecting Students to Technology Responsibly, Safely, and Ethically. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network, [online] 17(1), pp.137-45. Available at: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1011379





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