Equilibrium (Find equal learning opportunities in Virtual reality )

Today the rapid development of science and technology, students are not obstructed by the classroom walls. Unrestrained access to knowledge from different parts of the world. The (VR) virtual reality and (AR) augmented reality, even further students learning experience. Make the abstract idea more tangible, and the scene that was far away and even disappeared in the historical time and space can live in front of the eyes. All this is no longer science fiction. There is no denying that these technologies will bring better quality and flexible learning methods and environments to students. VR and AR tt must also become an important direction for future education. (Vlasova, H., 2020) But as educators, we must not stop our vision and thinking. We must think forward how to use these technologies to solve the difficulties they encounter in learning for more students with different learning styles and learning difficulties. The goal is to provide all students with an equal, appropriate and pleasant learning environment through technology.

According to Carolyn Joseph’s 2020. There are 10% of school dropout students with varying degrees and types of learning difficulties or disabilities. (Joseph, C., 2020) Some of them fail to meet the requirements, and language has also become one of the obstacles. (Joseph, C., 2020) Students should not be deprive of the opportunity to learn knowledge because of their disability and learning difficulties. It is impossible to educate and design courses in a single language or a single method that can suitable everyone’s learning needs. (Joseph, C., 2020)

Vlasova’s article express ‘VR and AR is changing the education system!‘ (Vlasova, H., 2020) She raised that VR and AR can (1) blocks out distractions, (2) remove language barriers, (3) excite the learning process, (4) Improve flexibility and inclusiveness, (5) Provide exploration and practice. (Vlasova, H., 2020) In addition, Also have a lot of research using VR and AR to help (6) improve the social difficulties of Autistic patients. (Gera, E., 2018) And (7) Engagement in learning (Craddock, I., 2018)

Expansive Learning Disabilities students pleasant learning experience:

For many students with learning difficulties such as autism, dyslexia, ADHD, it will seriously affect students’ concentration in class and learning. 

Therefore, VR technology increases students’ interest in the subject and lets them feel the connection and interaction between the classroom and them. It can be regarded as the first step to help students with learning difficulties improve their learning ability through VR technology. It is also an important step. If students cannot resonate with what he is learning, what does the student think the content of learning has any relationship with him. Nothing can attract his attention. (Craddock, I., 2018) Secondly, through special tools such as VR glasses, the required content is played directly in front of the eyes. From a certain point of view, this practice forces users to focus on the information in front of them. At the same time, it also reduces the nuisance caused by the original environment. Combined with earphones or other body sensing devices, it will further block some distractions caused by the environment and other reasons. (Vlasova, H., 2020) These two functions alone can help many students with learning difficulties improve the problems and challenges in learning.

Thirdly, VR provides a learning opportunity through physical practice, and close to reality operation experience mode is a non-verbal mode of learning. Students can still effectively learn knowledge and skills from exploration and experience without restricted by language. (Vlasova, H., 2020) Simultaneously some students with learning difficulties who are not good at expressing their abilities and through language, such as Autism, can express themselves without language. (Gera, E., 2018)

In addition, VR technology also able to simulate different environments. Provide simulation training for some students, who have difficulty in verbal communication and recognizing the meaning of each other words. They can gradually improve their skills and abilities in contact with people under stressful conditions, improve social difficulties. (Vlasova, H., 2020)

In Poth, R., blog listed 15 AR and VR Immersive Learning Tools. I Selected three of them among all. And have a simple review. I am sure there a lot of good applications out there. However, I think these three VR and AR are sufficiently representative and will bring positive support for all students.

Be there ~ Google Expeditions :

Provide VR trips or explores AR objects. Explore historical landmarks, go down to the atomic level, get up close with sharks, even visit outer space

Image Identification ~ Google Translate AR

I often use this app myself. It can read and interpret or translate the text in the image through the phone lens and AR technology. In addition, it can also capture the image for analysis and convert the pattern into words and words. It is very conducive to language learning, and it can also enhance student interest in learning words through the interaction between the lens and the image.

Reshape, simulate the real situation and environment ~ Experience Real History

This type of VR system may be the most familiar recently. Through VR and AR, different scenes can be simulated or fictitious and can interact with the environment or objects in the scene. This technology has been widely used in professional training in different industries. I believe it will also become the mainstream of teaching in the future.

With the transition from early childhood education to universities, s institutions have greatly increased the use of VR and AR budgets every year. I believe that soon our classrooms will change to look like the picture below.


Joseph, C., (2020). Augmented reality and virtual reality to aid students with learning disability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 9, ISSUE 02.

Vlasova, H., (2020). The future of VR & AR in education. Getting smart. https://www.gettingsmart.com/2020/09/the-future-of-vr-ar-in-education

Poth, R., (2002). 15 AR and VR Immersive Learning Tools. https://www.gettingsmart.com/2020/04/15-ar-and-vr-immersive-learning-tools/

Craddock, I., (2018). Chapter 2. Immersive Virtual Reality, Google Expeditions, and English Language Learning. ALA teach Source. https://journals.ala.org/index.php/ltr/article/view/6669/8950

Gera, E., (2018). How VR is being used to help children with learning disabilities, autism. https://variety.com/2018/digital/features/voiss-interview-vr-hmd-1203086576/

Google Expeditions https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.vr.expeditions&hl=en

Google Translate AR https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.translate&hl=en

Experience Real History https://www.experiencerealhistory.com/

Virtual Reality in Education

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