How can we inspire students in learning from technology?

The execution phase of the project will entail the implementation of the designed curriculum and training session delivery. The project implementation activities will be aimed at providing hands-on experiences to enable refugees to develop first-aid skills and knowledge. The first content will be delivered through interactive training methods. The ChatGPT video generator avatar will be […]

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How can we design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability?

Dual Good Health Virtual Reality Training in First Aid is a software where students can learn and practice with a visual aid in addition to simple pictures. As mentioned in a peer-reviewed article, The Applications of Virtual Reality Technology in Medical Groups Teaching, The Applications of Virtual Reality Technology in Medical Groups Teaching, the findings […]

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How can we improve the way we teach when we can’t be physically there?

The design phase of the project will entail creating a culturally sensitive and effective first aid education program that meets the needs of refugees in the selected regions. Crucial activities for the design phase include curriculum development, training resources and materials, instructional strategies customized to refugee contexts, and plans for project evaluation. The planned ChatGPT […]

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How can we connect with students and educators from different cultures, social economic backgrounds, and physical features?

The connection phase of the project to educate refugees on first aid using the ChatGPT video generator will involve establishing meaningful and strong relationships with the target populations and understanding their needs, experiences, and cultural backgrounds. The objective of the connection is to understand specific challenges and refugee needs, establish rapport and build trust, collaborate […]

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How can educators leverage technology to improve individual and collective student learning goals?

The question is: is their a resource that can help educators leverage technology to improve individual and collective student learning goals; and also address how achievement of these learning goals are shared and demonstrated, digitally? I want to explore this question by framing it through ISTE Standard for Educators 6 which reads: 1) ISTE Standard […]

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Empowering Responsible Digital Participation: Common Sense Education and Google for Education

Introduction: In today’s digital landscape, Common Sense Education and Google for Education have become invaluable tools for educators seeking to inspire students and promote responsible and effective participation in the digital world. This essay examines the features, privacy policies, benefits, drawbacks, and provides a recommendation if only one tool could be chosen for a classroom. … Continue reading Empowering Responsible Digital Participation: Common Sense Education and Google for Education

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Guiding Students to Digital Citizenship

According to the Pew Research Center, 93% of kindergarten through 12th-grade parents said their kids had online learning during the pandemic (McClain et al., 2021). Technology use continues until today, either in school or at home. The regulations and our expectations are catching up as problems arise. It is never too late to teach students…

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Using Discord in the Classroom

Introduction The education sector has undergone a tremendous shift during forced remote education during the pandemic. Teachers have learned to adopt technology as an essential role in evolving students’ learning. Communication channels and messaging apps have emerged to meet the needs of educators and their students, and one such platform is Discord. Initially developed as …

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Look Closer

ISTE Standard for Educators 2.3.b. Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency. Digital literacy has changed quite a bit since I was in school. I […]

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Can Educators Understand Learning Variabilities WITH Their Students Toward Building Greater Learning Success?

The question is: is their a resource that can help educators understand the ways in which learning varies among their individual students, and include their students in the development of learner-driven activities and environments that will result in learning success? I want to explore this question by framing it within two of the ISTE Standards […]

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