How Can Technology Application Within School Policies Protect Student Privacy and Empower Reports of Abuse?

ISTE Coaching Standard 4.6 Data-Driven Decision Maker reads, “Coaches model and support the use of qualitative and quantitative data to inform their own instruction and professional learning”. Standard 4.6.a, expands upon this, and reads: Facilitate Data Collection and Analysis – Assist educators and leaders in securely collecting and analyzing student data. My focus of study […]

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Facilitating Data Collection for World Language Class.

Learning world languages is a critical skill for students in a global world. It is part of their high school graduation requirement and a way to earn college credit in advance. Educators should ensure that students gain world language skills by collecting relevant data and using the right tools for assessing and enhancing language skills (LSU, 2020). Student data collection…

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Effective Technology Tools for K-12 CS Teachers

Technology plays a crucial role in teaching computer science and programming concepts to K-12 teachers. The most effective technology tools include interactive coding platforms such as Scratch, Snap! and Blockly. These tools provide a user-friendly interface and visual coding blocks, allowing students to learn programming concepts through hands-on activities and projects (Kashif Amanullah & Bell, …

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