Models to Measure Students’ Learning in Computer Science

As computer science becomes integrated into K-12 education systems worldwide, educators and researchers continuously search for effective methods to measure and understand students’ learning levels in this field. The challenge lies in developing reliable and comprehensive assessment models that accurately and discreetly gauge student learning. Teachers must assess learning to support students’ educational needs better. …

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Potential of LLMs and Automated Text Analysis in Interpreting Student Course Feedback

Integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) with automated text analysis tools offers a novel approach to interpreting student course feedback. As educators and administrators strive to refine teaching methods and enhance learning experiences, leveraging AI’s capabilities could unlock more profound insights from student feedback. Traditionally seen as a vast collection of qualitative data filled with sentiments, …

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Effective Technology Tools for K-12 CS Teachers

Technology plays a crucial role in teaching computer science and programming concepts to K-12 teachers. The most effective technology tools include interactive coding platforms such as Scratch, Snap! and Blockly. These tools provide a user-friendly interface and visual coding blocks, allowing students to learn programming concepts through hands-on activities and projects (Kashif Amanullah & Bell, …

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Teaching Programming with Minecraft Education: A Reflection

Introduction In the dynamic landscape of education, integrating innovative tools to enhance learning is essential. This term, I embarked on a collaborative journey to weave Minecraft Education into our Programming 11/12 course. Our objective was to enliven the curriculum by presenting programming concepts in a more engaging and interactive manner. This reflection delves into our …

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The Role of ChatGPT in Introductory Programming Courses

Introduction Programming education is on the cusp of a major transformation with the emergence of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. These AI systems have demonstrated impressive capabilities in generating, explaining, and summarizing code, leading to proposals for their integration into coding courses. Aligning with ISTE Standard 4.1e for coaches, which urges the “connection of …

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Teaching Computer Science with Minecraft

Introduction to Minecraft Minecraft is currently one of the most popular games of 2023, boasting over 140 million monthly active users, according to Despite this popularity, many players overlook that Minecraft offers an engaging and immersive environment for learning terminal commands, programming basics, computational thinking, and even artificial intelligence. In this blog post, I …

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Reflecting on a Study of Competitive Programming and Cultural Inclusion

Length of Study The study is designed to take place over two academic terms, which provides adequate time to collect meaningful data. The inclusion of an initial summer term without competitive programming establishes a baseline for comparison. The second summer term incorporates competitive programming using standardized questions, allowing assessment of this pedagogical approach. The fall …

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Incorporating Competitive Programming into a Beginner Programming Course

Introduction Driven by the increasing automation and digitalization of virtually every workflow, programming has become an indispensable part of our lives. As a result, introducing programming at the earliest stage of education has become a hot topic of discussion among educators and academics alike. A particular area of interest is the concept of competitive programming …

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Are Limitations to Screen Time Necessary?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2013), it is recommended that parents limit children and teens’ entertainment screen time to no more than two hours daily, stating that an increase in screen time has been linked with eye problems, violence, cyberbullying, obesity, lack of sleep, and academic decline. They quickly note that this is not a significant …

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Feedback in Gamification App

Gamification and Game-based learning are well-studied fields in education, the effects of which generally positively impact learning. The conclusions in this post will help improve a programming practice web application currently in development.

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