Studying Stonehenge & Preparing Students for the Future

For SPU’s Digital Ed Leadership Program elective course, EDCT 5605 Inquiry-based Learning, the module 1 investigation question is: What is inquiry-based learning? Why should you do it? Using the ISTE Student Standards as a framework for further inquiry, my guiding question is: How can inquiry-based learning prepare students for the future? When my son was […]

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Sanity checking in mathematics (EDTC 6102 Module 1, Empowered learner)

For this module we are investigating ISTE Student Standard 1: Empowered Learner – “students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.” In response to Empowered Learner Indicator 1c, “students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice … Continue reading “Sanity checking in mathematics (EDTC 6102 Module 1, Empowered learner)”

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