There’s a Pony in Here Somewhere!

excerpt from “How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life” by Peter Robinson Chapter One Journal Entry, June 2002: Over lunch today I asked Ed Meese about one of Reagan’s favorite jokes. “The pony joke?” Meese replied. “Sure I remember it. If I heard him tell it once, I heard him tell it a thousand times.” The […]

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Learning to Fly (and Tweet): Managing Twitter

Guiding Question:   What resource is available to assist with managing multiple social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.; and multiple accounts within each)?  On a related note, what are the best practices for utilizing social media tools in the classroom?  It’s become apparent that I need a better system for managing multiple social media accounts, […]

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Learning to Fly (and Tweet): Why Twitter?

ISTE Teacher Standard 3: Model digital age work and learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. According to Wikipedia, Twitter debuted online in July 2006.  More than ten years later, in September 2016, I finally joined the Twitter universe.  The connection to ISTE […]

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