The Coach – Administrator Connection: Module 5

Connecting and Collaborating with Administrators as an Instructional Technology Coach This week in my final blog post of the quarter for my class on Educational Technology Leadership my question has led me to investigate how an instructional technology coach can partner with administrators to support and extend the learning that is happening through coaching. I … Continue reading “The Coach – Administrator Connection: Module 5”

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Is SAMR Enough? Module 4: Teacher Practice and Technology Integration

Introduction to Module 4 For my post this week in Module 4 of my fall class, in Educational Technology Leadership I decided to focus on the SAMR model for technology integration. My district uses SAMR as a way to gauge technology integration but I wanted to know if there was a way to use that … Continue reading “Is SAMR Enough? Module 4: Teacher Practice and Technology Integration”

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21st Century Skills to Connect Teachers and Coaches: Module 3

Module 3 of EDTC 6105 and my definition of the problem For this week my program is focusing on 21st century learning. The topic alone brings a lot of questions forward, what is 21st century learning? Does it matter to teachers and students? How do you measure 21st century learning? My search for resources didn’t … Continue reading “21st Century Skills to Connect Teachers and Coaches: Module 3”

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Resources for Co-Planning Learning Activities

  When I first started to research different resources to help co-plan with my learning partner, I kept thinking about my problem very narrowly.  My triggering question is below. Triggering Question: What are some good resources/processes I can use to determine how to best co-plan with my learning partner with 3rd grade math? I kept …

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Effective Use of 21st Century Skills – EDTC 6105

  When I first heard of 21st century learning it was this nebulous concept that at the beginning felt overwhelming and I wasn’t sure what elements about it related to technology.  However, the deeper I have researched the more I’m starting to understand how this learning model contributes to more in-depth understanding and engagement during …

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