UbD Flipgrid in the Classroom

Unit by Design   For our EDCT 6102 course, we were tasked with using the Unit by Design framework (UbD) to plan a lesson or unit that incorporated digital citizenship into our classroom. UbD has you start with identifying desired results, determining acceptable evidence and then planning the learning and instruction. This backwards planning is […]

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Encouraging Creativity and Innovation in Students

“The world leaders in innovation and creativity will also be the world leaders in everything else.”-Harold R. McAlindon. I read this quote in the book, Nurturing Young Innovators: Cultivating Creativity in the Classroom, Home and Community by Laure McLaughlin and Stephani Buchai. It hit something deep in my teaching heart. Children are curious and naturally, […]

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Internet Inquiry in 3rd Grade

My journey to find strategies could be used to teach students how to effectively find and evaluate resources found online to aid their research and scaffold(s) to help students organize their research (as inspired by ISTE student standard 3). Let me start by first painting a scenario of a PBL project that I led my […]

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EDTC 6102 Module 1 Solution

Empowered Learner The past week in my DEL master’s program our cohort was focusing on ISTE Student Standard 1-  Empowered Learner. It states, “Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences”. This standard requires students to take an active role […]

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Instructional Coaching: Using Rubrics to Quantify Qualitative Data for Improved Teaching Outcomes

Feedback can be a powerful tool to improve teaching and learning. Through feedback, new perspectives can be gained as teachers begin to can acern what is working and what isn’t in current instructional methods. Feedback also offers suggestions on achieving goals and standards that drive an educator’s work. There are four different types of feedback: … Continue reading Instructional Coaching: Using Rubrics to Quantify Qualitative Data for Improved Teaching Outcomes

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Strategies for Teaching Effective Email Communication

I have a dilemma.  No one comes to my office hours anymore.  I made this realization years ago when I would find myself alone in my office, staring at the clock, waiting for my “shift” to be over or filling that time with grading and lesson planning. On average, I’d probably have 1-2 students come … Continue reading Strategies for Teaching Effective Email Communication

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Implementing Student-Centered Activities in Content-Intensive Courses

If you’ve ever taught a content-intensive course, you’ll know it’s like trying to finish a marathon in a sprint. In my experience, you get to the finish line, but you hardly remember the journey there. The content-intensive courses I teach are the foundational nutrition classes. Each contain at least six major learning objectives with about … Continue reading Implementing Student-Centered Activities in Content-Intensive Courses

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Professional Development-Improving Digital Literacy through Peer Modeling

It shouldn’t be a surprise that experts support the idea of incorporating technology into new and existing learning models to facilitate deeper and different skill sets than those taught by conventional methods today.  The biggest push for more technology adoption in education is to move the educational system away from antiquated models developed during the … Continue reading Professional Development-Improving Digital Literacy through Peer Modeling

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Co-learning, Co-teaching, and Cogenerative Dialogues to Improve Learning and Teaching Outcomes

What happens when you allow two people with seemingly different backgrounds to work together?  Great collaboration! This is true of a program co-sponsored by the Center for Educational Equity and Big Brother/ Big Sister that paired 9-14 year old girls with adult women to learn about computers.  The little and big sisters would meet to … Continue reading Co-learning, Co-teaching, and Cogenerative Dialogues to Improve Learning and Teaching Outcomes

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