Global Collaborative Project – Social Emotional Experiment – EDTC 6103 & 6104

This week in my exploration of ISTE Coaching Standards with my graduate program in Digital Education Leadership at Seattle Pacific University, I am continuing to examine ISTE Coaching Standard 3 and specifically point G, in an effort to understand how teachers can create… This standard immediately made me think of my final assignment and Global … Continue reading Global Collaborative Project – Social Emotional Experiment – EDTC 6103 & 6104

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Gaming the System: ISTE Standard 6 and Fun and Games

I may have a problem.  My current board game collection runs slightly over 200 games – and excluding all the expansion, upgrades, and other fiddly bits I’ve acquired along the way.  It’s getting to the point where storage is becoming an issue.  I have a game group I game with once a week and I’ve … Continue reading “Gaming the System: ISTE Standard 6 and Fun and Games”

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ISTE – The Empowered Learner: My Hero Project

The next step in my coursework in the Seattle Pacific University, Digital Education Leadership program is to work my way through the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) 2016 student standards. First, looking at ISTE standard 1 – Empowered Learners, and specifically for my students I will focus on how “students use technology to … Continue reading ISTE – The Empowered Learner: My Hero Project

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