Active Learning with Adults

When I taught at a middle/high school, the 12th grade social studies teacher, who also used active learning strategies, asked to swap classes for a day so that he could experience middle school active learning. I assumed teaching 12th graders would be similar to teaching 7th graders, but with a bit more advanced vocabulary and […]

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Feedback for the Trainers

Feedback, reflection, and revision incorporated into professional development allows those who lead professional development trainings to benefit from the same growth opportunities that we provide students and teachers.

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PD for the Long Run

How do we make sure PD has an effect on instruction long after it ends? The decision to conduct a specific professional development is not one made easily since professional developments require resources that are often scarce in public schools; specifically time and money. Because of this, maximizing the effect of professional development includes considering […]

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Increasing Teacher Technology Adoption After Trainings

Educational technology presents a unique opportunity and challenge for educators. When designed and used well, technology can streamline some of the most time consuming aspects of education, engage students in learning, and increase opportunities for exploration. However, none of the positive aspects of educational technology are of any use if the technology gathers dust (virtual […]

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Meet Me Where I’m At

Using Coaching Skills to Educate School Staff in Supporting LGBTQ+ Students When educators talk about meeting learners “where they’re at” or about adapting to the social emotional and cultural needs of learners, they are typically speaking of children. There is an assumption that adults in education are at the same place experientially and emotionally regarding […]

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Should Schools Use External or Internal Experts for PD?

As schools balance the need for ongoing teacher education with the time and monetary costs of professional development, it is important to ask questions about evidence based best practices in teacher training, such as is it best to use experts from within the district to conduct trainings or to use outside experts.

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Please, No More Icebreakers

Every teacher training I have ever attended begins with an icebreaker. Despite being an extrovert, I hate icebreakers, as do many teachers and we are long overdue for a change. An examination of icebreakers as they are currently used in coaching is essential to build a strong foundation for ISTE standard 3a, which states that […]

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Diverse Perspectives in Digital Learning Communities

Social media and online platforms present opportunities for educators to gather for camaraderie and professional development even when they are widely dispersed by geography. The existence of online communities creates more opportunities for educators with widely diverse perspectives to come together than ever before. Yet, some educator groups seem to

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