Promoting and Protecting Education for Refugees

BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE Quality education is a human right for every child worldwide, regardless of environmental situations. The importance of quality education has been emphasized as it is the fourth agenda in the Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2022). Among the environmental situations that hinder quality education are migration and refugee conditions. According to the United […]

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Community Engagement Project

In this age of automation, seeing the opportunity to reflect and rethink our current education system and taking charge of the AI transformation already here has become crucial. Just as most of us had no idea that AI has been used to shape our lives in work, shopping, transportation …etc., if educators don’t act first,…

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Workshop Planning: Digital Fitness: Paving the Way to a Healthy Future for Children 

Topic Selection: In this project, you will create a professional learning presentation or workshop on a topic of your choice that you will use to engage and provide professional growth for an audience of your choice. Keeping with the real-world theme of our program, you will submit your proposal for presentation at an educational conference … Continue reading Workshop Planning: Digital Fitness: Paving the Way to a Healthy Future for Children 

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Reflecting on a Study of Competitive Programming and Cultural Inclusion

Length of Study The study is designed to take place over two academic terms, which provides adequate time to collect meaningful data. The inclusion of an initial summer term without competitive programming establishes a baseline for comparison. The second summer term incorporates competitive programming using standardized questions, allowing assessment of this pedagogical approach. The fall …

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Exploring the Best Source for Digital Fitness Tools in Physical Education

Introduction: The ever-changing dynamics of education have seen a profound integration of digital tools, transforming the interactions between educators and students. This transformation is particularly noteworthy within the domain of physical education (PE), where the utilization of digital fitness tools has opened up innovative avenues for collaboration and assessment. As the demand for efficient digital … Continue reading Exploring the Best Source for Digital Fitness Tools in Physical Education

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Using Digital Equity Plans and Learning to Construct an Equitable Classroom for Youth with ACEs

As noted by Kelsie Anderson in her 2019 article for Digital Promise titled, How Access to Technology Can Create Equity in Schools, “when used effectively, technology can…remove barriers to learning materials, support students where they are across varied learning contexts and needs, and give educators more insight into the learning environments they’re creating”. Anderson goes […]

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AI-driven Personalized Learning

Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into teaching plans may transform traditional classrooms into student-centered environments. AI-driven personalized learning can be designed to meet individual student’s needs, preferences, and pace, enabling a more efficient and engaging learning experience. AI technology plays a big part in the personalized learning approach because “it allows the differentiation of instruction, assessment,…

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Leveraging GitHub Co-pilot to Enhance Introductory Programming Education

Overview Introductory programming courses are the foundation for students to gain fundamental coding abilities and analytical thinking skills required for various fields. However, programming poses unique challenges for beginners, like struggling with syntax, grasping complex concepts and developing logical reasoning. As computer science education continues to evolve, AI-powered tools like GitHub Copilot are emerging that …

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