Peer Coaching: Four Essential Tools for Any Toolbox

Becoming a coach during a pandemic has been interesting! While several strategies seem to apply better in person, here are four insights that have become an essential part of my coaching toolbox: building a connection, …

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Peer vs. Peer Coach vs. Coach (Module 2, ISTE-CS)

I have a million and one questions this quarter as we continue to think about peer coaching and the ISTE Coaching Standards. Most of them seem to center on two main questions: What is it that we do? What does this master’s program qualify someone to do? What is peer coaching? As a start to an … Continue reading “Peer vs. Peer Coach vs. Coach (Module 2, ISTE-CS)”

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Back to the Basics

retrieved from The above photo was shared to me by my peer Kaity Fain. As I was looking for ways to introduce SAMR and TPACK, I thought this metaphor of SAMR was cute and relatable. This past week our cohort explored what skills, resources and processes we could utilize as we begin to co planRead More

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