From Theory to Practice

I personally enjoy curriculum design, and the DEL program, especially the Digital Learning EDTC 6102 class has prepared me and inspired me to update my old lessons with ISTE standards, following the Understanding by Design Framework. Project Description The objective of this project is to create a World Language course that will transform the learning […]

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Evaluating Professional Development

Evaluating the effectiveness of professional development can be time consuming, costly, complex, and inconclusive. An analysis of teacher development came from a report from TNTP “The Mirage” (2015) by surveying 10,507 teachers and 566 school leaders. Their conclusion was that “in short, we bombard teachers with help, but most of it is not helpful – […]

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Building and Restoring Trust: A demanding yet worthy effort

ISTE coaching standard 1c states: “Cultivate a supportive coaching culture that encourages educators and leaders to achieve a shared vision and individual goals.” The literature points to the importance of trusting relationships when cultivating a supportive coaching culture. Foltos explains that “coaching cannot succeed without a trusting respectful relationship” (p. 21). The literature provides many […]

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Blended Learning in the World Language Classroom

Before the pandemic forced educators to teach online, I had been developing a blended model for teaching Middle & High School Spanish. Once a week, students would experience online learning in the face-to-face classroom. The model I created not only solved time and management constraints common in the brick-and-mortar classroom, it also was well received […]

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Designing Professional Development to Improve Student Learning

“You can practice shooting eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way. Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” – Michael Jordan Retrieved on Aug 23, 2021 from The article Bridging the Gap: Technology Trends […]

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How can a technology integration framework help educators find the most suitable digital learning tools and content for their unique teaching context?

Professional development for educators can take many forms. One kind of professional development is the creation of a coach/educator partnership, where communication and collaboration takes place over a period of time. This model is consistent with ISTE standard for coaches 3b which states “Partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturaly relevant, […]

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Relevant & Simple PD

ISTE standard 3a for Coaches refers to the importance of establishing trusting respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies. In order for coaches to earn trust and respect, they must consider and support educators’ interests first. Trust and respect take time to develop, but inspiration can be kindled in an instant. […]

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How can online discussion forums inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world?

Besides being a Spanish language teacher, for the last three years I have hosted and co-coached a VEX Robotics team. Every time I learn a new ISTE standard, I think of how VEX Robotics exemplifies that standard. ISTE Standard for Educators 3 addresses how “Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in […]

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Research on digital tools for the World Language classroom

Since I began teaching in 2002, I have seen spurts of enthusiasm guide the adoption of new teaching tools and materials, many of which soon become abandoned. Innovation and experimentation have permeated the teaching profession for centuries. This was true from the beginning of formal education in the United States when Horace Mann saw uncharted […]

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A Strong Hex Foundation to Professional Learning

What are key ideas to designing professional learning that includes a process of ongoing evaluation that emphasizes improvements for using technology for high-impact teaching and learning? Based on ISTE Coaching Standard 5C #1 Consistent purpose …

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