Co-Teaching. . .5 Years Later

In 2016, our school district began the year-long process of converting its junior high schools to middle schools. As part of this process, the district began steps to implement a co-teaching model for providing instructional services to a portion of our secondary special education population. The co-teach model pairs a

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Sorting Through the Noise to Reflect on Inclusion in Remote Learning

Finding articles and recommendations from reputable sources about the myriad of ways in which online learning has left low income students, minority populations, and students of color behind is easy. However, digging through them to unearth the data needed to help build a picture on which to reflect often proves frustrating.

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ISTE Coaching Standards

ISTE Is the International Society for Technology in Education, and publishes a series of 7 standards for technology coaches, which are available at the ISTE Coaching Standards site. The Coaching Standards are as follows: Change Agent Connected Learner Collaborator Learning Designer Professional Learning Facilitator Data-Driven Decision Maker Digital Citizen Advocate

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ISTE Coaching Standards

ISTE Is the International Society for Technology in Education, and publishes a series of 7 standards for technology coaches, which are available at the ISTE Coaching Standards site. The Coaching Standards are as follows: Change Agent Connected Learner Collaborator Learning Designer Professional Learning Facilitator Data-Driven Decision Maker Digital Citizen Advocate

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