Professional Development In The Age of ‘Digital Best Practice’: Professional Learning Needs Of Educators In A Technology-Rich Learning Environment

As educators, we have all been in the professional development that has been less than riveting. Someone stands in the front of a room full of educators who have spent the day living the realities of the classroom. They are tired, they have tons of grading to do, they are worried about the student who … Continue reading Professional Development In The Age of ‘Digital Best Practice’: Professional Learning Needs Of Educators In A Technology-Rich Learning Environment

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Connecting PLCs to Local and Global PLNs: Module 3

Begin with the End in Mind This quarter we continue to investigate ISTE-C Standard 4b about how Educational Technology coaches can model principles of adult learning while demonstrating best practices in professional development. It makes sense that we are spending our entire quarter considering this standard because of the importance professional development could play in … Continue reading “Connecting PLCs to Local and Global PLNs: Module 3”

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EDTC 6106 Module 5: What is Essential in Professional Development?

As I prepared for my blog post this week, the word ‘essential’ kept running through my mind.  What does e-s-s-e-n-t-i-a-l mean?   How is it used in our world today?  How does its real world use relate to school professional development?  I think we would all agree about what is considered an essential when we travel […]

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