Reflection’s Power in Educators

Module 1 – ISTE for Coaches Standard 4a: Collaborate with educators to develop authentic, active learning experiences that foster student agency, deepen content mastery, and allow students to demonstrate their competency. For educators to develop this skill, a coach can … Continue reading

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Let’s Evaluate!

The worldwide pandemic created many teaching scenarios this past year that included emergency distance learning, essential learning target only teaching, complete distance learning, and then some type of hybrid (mine was a concurrent learning model). With these situations, the number … Continue reading

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A Picture is Worth…

Better late than never?  😦  I’m writing this after meeting with a group of teachers this week who discussed how we can take what we have learned these past 16 months of distance and current learning into in-class learning.  We … Continue reading

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Flipping Out

The Flipped Classroom is not a new idea; however, it is new for me.  As a High School ELA teacher, and not a lecturer by nature, this format seemed challenging before I began to read about how other teachers are … Continue reading

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Let’s Keep it Together, Shall We?

Containing the chaos…isn’t that what we all want to do? I love this painting by Michael Lang because it is such a great visual of what this last year has felt like! Wait, that sounds very negative; however, it is … Continue reading

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Do we need another collaborating tool?

Once again, while looking into the details of an online tool that educators can use, I am faced with the limitations rather than its possible benefits. I don’t usually try to be cynical about anything; however, with everything on teacher’s … Continue reading

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Validating Borrowed Text

Creating validity of online sources tends to be an issue for students and educators alike.  There are so many ways that writers can go astray if we do not take the time to evaluate our sources.  The first exposure I … Continue reading

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There are so many connotations of this word; including, but not limited to, an effect produced by an influence; a thought, idea, or opinion formed, or a remark made because of meditation; and consideration of some subject matter, idea, or … Continue reading

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Frost Madness

As I sit in my office on campus for the first time since the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it is ironic to re-evaluate my Robert Frost poetry unit and create one that allows students to increase their digital literacy … Continue reading

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Off Campus Visits ~ Virtually

Five days from today (03/12/2021) will mark one year since I have been in a physical classroom with my students. One. Year. It is so hard to believe! During this time of required distance learning, the expectations of students have … Continue reading

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