Professional Learning Facilitator

ISTE standard for Coaches 4.5, The Professional Learning Facilitator, states: “Coaches plan, provide, and evaluate the impact of professional learning for educators and leaders to use technology to advance teaching and learning.” Performance indicators: 4.5.a. Design professional learning based on needs assessments and frameworks for working with adults to support their cultural, social-emotional and learning […]

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Change Agent

ISTE standard for Coaches 4.1, The Change Agent, states: “Coaches inspire educators and leaders to use technology to create equitable and ongoing access to high-quality learning.” Performance indicators:  4.1.a. Create a shared vision and culture for using technology to learn and accelerate transformation through the coaching process.  4.1.b. Facilitate equitable use of digital learning tools […]

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Evaluating Professional Development

Evaluating the effectiveness of professional development can be time consuming, costly, complex, and inconclusive. An analysis of teacher development came from a report from TNTP “The Mirage” (2015) by surveying 10,507 teachers and 566 school leaders. Their conclusion was that “in short, we bombard teachers with help, but most of it is not helpful – […]

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Effective Professional Development

During the pandemic, digital technology has indeed assisted many schools in solving the problem that teachers can still teach to a certain extent when students …

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Video-Based Coaching

Facilitating Active Learning and Providing Meaningful Feedback with Video Modeling and Lesson Recordings. Creator: Aryo Hadi | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto   According to ISTE Standard 4.5b, an effective coaching model must 1) engage educators in active learning through authentic or simulated activities that may include challenges, problem solving and reflection, and 2) provide timely, specific and actionable feedback that […]

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How to use a collaborative model for professional development to encourage active teacher learning

When we learned about the ISTE standard, how to encourage teachers to use digital technologies and open their students to opportunities to communicate and cooperate …

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Professional Development through Peer Observations

What are best practices for evaluating the impact of professional learning in a way that is aligned with student outcomes, and sustained professional growth, while meeting the needs of adult professional learners? In an effort to improve teacher professional development many schools are personalizing teacher learning. In the article from Cult of Pedagogy, OMG Becky. […]

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Don’t burn out! How can we support teachers social and emotion needs

The ongoing pandemic has rendered brick-and-mortar classrooms inoperable, although online teaching has somewhat remedied the need for knowledge transfer and learning. But a lack of …

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The Role of Needs Assessments in Professional Learning

Background There are many examples of professional development that have minimally worked for me, and they all share the following characteristics: They were short, took place only one time, the presentation was informational, it did not connect the information t my specific content area or needs, and the presenters did not inquiere how successful the […]

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Teacher professional learning new normal

As the global pandemic continues, traditional physical classrooms often face the pressure of closures during sudden periods. Although physical classroom teaching, there are many advantages …

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