Creating Positive Coaching Relationships Based on Collaborating and Communicating

Have you ever heard of the book, “All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten”? It is a book full of essays on life written by Robert Fulghum. It mentions a few short statements of things you learn in kindergarten that…

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Leading with Vulnerability: The Pathway to Strengthen Communication & Collaboration in Coaching Relationships

Inquiry Question: How can successful coaches model vulnerability to strengthen communication and collaboration in coaching relationships?  Communication and collaboration are such vital components of successful relationships, including coaching partnerships. While they play important roles in successful coaching, it takes time to build these skills and develop trust with those we coach. As Les Foltos (2013) reminds us, “Communication and collaboration skills must…

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Communicating in a Virtual Space

For my EDTC 6105 course we are continuing to talk about communication, coaching and how communication plays a role in successful coaching. Over the last couple weeks we have been talking about how coaches can build trust, set goals and … Continue reading

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Redefining “Teacher”

Who is a teacher? What is their role? Vocation, Profession, a mix of both? As thousands start the year online, face to face, or in various hybrid models, what is the new role of teachers …

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Communication & Collaboration- When ‘REAL’ conversations show results.

My colleague, Rachel and I just met to discuss her goals for our coaching session. As we got to talking she shared that she had little time to produce on her goals from our last peer coaching session; I could feel her anxiety drop when I asked if she would like to spend our sessions creating … Continue reading Communication & Collaboration- When ‘REAL’ conversations show results.

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ISTE For Coaches -Developing Coaching Skills

ISTE-C Standard 1: Visionary Leadershipd. Implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology innovations and manage the change process in schools and classrooms Standard 2: Teaching, Learning, and Assessmentf. Coach teachers in and model incorporation of research-based best practices in instructional design when planning technology-enhanced learning experiences Inquiry Question:How can you build positive and comfortable relationship …

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Setting Departmental Goals for Digital Citizenship

As a technology coach, one of my responsibilities is to “Advocate for policies, procedures… to support implementation of the shared vision represented in…technology plans and guidelines,” according to the ISTE Coaching Standards, (ISTE, 2017). I had an opportunity to contribute to the shared vision and future planning of my department during the second year of my … Continue reading Setting Departmental Goals for Digital Citizenship

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Managing Common Coaching Miscommunication

If the foundation of effective peer coaching is collaboration, good communication is one of its pillars. Mark Ladin, CMO of Tiger Connect, an IT company, shares this mindset by defining communication and collaboration as one and the same.  He argues that both communication and collaboration function on the exchange of information, however without good communication, … Continue reading Managing Common Coaching Miscommunication

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