Using Data-Informed Decision Making to Evaluate & Improve Professional Learning

For the fourth and final module for EDTC 6106, we are continuing to explore professional learning. The focus of this research is through the lens of the third indicator from ISTE Coaching Standard 5: Professional Learning Facilitator, indicator 5c. As I began thinking about my inquiry question in relation to this indicator, I had several…

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Best Practices for Providing Meaningful Feedback

Inquiry Question: What are best practices that coaches should apply when providing meaningful feedback to educators during professional learning? For module 3, I am continuing to explore professional learning, and my research focuses on indicator 5b from ISTE Coaching Standard 5: Professional Learning Facilitator. As I researched to understand best practices when providing feedback, I…

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Understanding Adult Learning Theories in Reimaging Professional Development

Inquiry Question: How can coaches apply adult learning theories to develop impactful professional development and engage adult learners? In my previous blog post, I focused my research on how coaches can use technology to design, implement, and evaluate effective professional development. Through this research, I learned the powerful impact technology can have on organizations, teachers,…

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Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Effective Professional Development

Inquiry Question: How can coaches use technology to design, implement, and evaluate effective professional development?  In the first module for our EDTC 6106 course, the focus has been on developing effective professional development. As I reflected on my experience both as a participant and designer of professional development, I thought about professional learning experiences that…

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Peer Coaching – A Community Engagement Project

For our community engagement project this quarter in EDTC 6105, my cohort members and I were worked with coaching partners to develop peer coaching relationships. Through these peer coaching relationships, the goal was to collaborate with a coaching partner to improve a lesson of their choice. In order for this coaching partnership to be successful,…

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Effective Frameworks for Technology Integration

Inquiry Question: What technology integration frameworks can coaches use to effectively support educators in improving learning activities?    In the fourth and final module of our EDTC 6105 course, the focus is on skills, resources, and processes that are beneficial for coaches as they co-plan with educators to improve lessons. There are certainly mainly important skills, resources, and processes that go into…

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Enhancing 21st Century Learning Skills through Project-based Learning

Inquiry Question: How can coaches support teachers in the effective implementation of project-based learning in a variety of learning environments to enhance 21st-century skills?  In this module of our EDTC 6105 course, the focus has been centered on 21st century learning and how coaches can use their knowledge of those competencies to drive their work with educators. As I reflected on my…

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Leading with Vulnerability: The Pathway to Strengthen Communication & Collaboration in Coaching Relationships

Inquiry Question: How can successful coaches model vulnerability to strengthen communication and collaboration in coaching relationships?  Communication and collaboration are such vital components of successful relationships, including coaching partnerships. While they play important roles in successful coaching, it takes time to build these skills and develop trust with those we coach. As Les Foltos (2013) reminds us, “Communication and collaboration skills must…

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Centering Equity within the Four Roles of Peer Coaching

Inquiry Question: How do coaches successfully center equity within each of the four coaching roles?  For the fall course of my SPU Digital Education leadership program, EDTC 6105 focuses on educational technology leadership, specifically through peer coaching. As I continue to learn more about being a successful peer coach and grow in my own experience, I think about the multitude of roles and responsibilities…

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Utilizing Digital Licenses to Engage Learners in Using Seesaw – A Community Engagement Project

For the final project of my EDTC 6104 course this summer, my cohort members and I were tasked with developing and submitting a conference session proposal for a professional learning opportunity. Within this professional learning opportunity, we needed to identify how this training connected to ISTE Coaching Standard 3. As I reflected on the indicators…

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