Redefining the Writing Process through Digital Instruction, Collaborative Projects and Assessments

Reflection Overview While last semester of SPU’s Digital Education Leadership master’s program focused on ISTE standards for students, this semester has examined ISTE standards for teachers.  So far, we have looked at standard one, to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, and standard two, to design and develop digital age learning and assessments.  Naturally, these […]

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EDTC 6432 Quest

Our Instructions were; Reflect on whether learning to code is useful for your students and/or you as a teacher. Write a few notes down to share during the Submission process of this quest. Go to and click on the Sign-in link to create an account. (I used my Google account to create my account … Continue reading EDTC 6432 Quest

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The Makings of a Successful Professional Development Program

This quarter in the Digital Education Leadership program at Seattle Pacific University I am focused on the fourth standard of the ISTE Coaching Standards, Professional Development and Program Evaluation:

Technology coaches conduct needs assessments, develop technology-related professional learning programs, and evaluate the impact on instructional practice and student learning.

Over the last several weeks, my classmates and I have learned how to implement a successful professional development program and I have identified the following elements as being most useful when evaluating a professional development program:

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Sadly, professional development is generally “something that is ‘done’ to teachers” (Pilar, 2014). Teachers need opportunities to explore their own interests and venture into those topics at a personalized level that works for their individual learning styles. In a study conducted by the Center for Professional Education, it was found that “90% of teachers reported participating in some form of professional development, and they also reported that it was not helpful in their practice. Thus, professional development is happening, but it is not effective” (Blattner, 2015). Imagine a place where teachers drive their learning by expressing their interests, learning at their own pace, implementing their discoveries and reflecting on their current and future practices. … Read More

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Teaching Digital Citizenship Using Nearpod – A Reflection

This past month I have been focusing on completing my certification in Common Sense Media’s digital citizenship curriculum.  Their curriculum is not only well-researched, but it is also used by my school district. Therefore, I thought that learning more about, and being certified in this curriculum, would help me better understand what the teachers in …

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Professional Development Essentials: Remaining Flexible and Empowering Staff

Introduction My last post provided summaries from the first half of the quarter. This post will cover my reflections on the remaining two modules I completed. First, a quick recap. I am in the second to last quarter in the Digital Education Leadership program at Seattle Pacific University. This quarter we’re discussing program evaluation and professional learning. In previous courses… Read more →

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How Can Administrators Best Support Professional Development in Education Technology?

At the heart of my current studies with the Digital Education Leadership program at Seattle Pacific University is ISTE Coaching Standard 4, which focuses on how professional learning can be best support teacher practice and, ultimately, student learning. Professional development is often associated with the administrators who orchestrate it. As a result, recognizing how paramount administrators are to the […]

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Teaching Digital Citizenship with Common Sense Media

I am passionate about teaching children how to be responsible digital citizens, which why I chose to to become a Digital Citizenship Certified Educator through Common Sense Media. I have used Common Sense materials occasionally in the past, but since beginning this certification process, I now have a better understanding of this organization’s mission and … [Read more…]

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Lost Pedometers and Wearable Technology

During the current course on Teaching, Learning, and Assessment we were asked to create individual projects that involved creating/modifying a lesson to include technology that was meaningful.  Since, I teach physical education, my struggle was to consider what type of technology to use that would still keep my students active and engaged.  My goal was …

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Achieving Better Instruction through Reflection

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” –John Dewey With each concept I teach, I evaluate the students understanding through their programming code, the required comments explaining the code, and the coding structure. I also know what they understand by listening to the questions that they ask. Formative assessment… Continue Reading Achieving Better Instruction through Reflection

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