Implementing Student-Centered Activities in Content-Intensive Courses

If you’ve ever taught a content-intensive course, you’ll know it’s like trying to finish a marathon in a sprint. In my experience, you get to the finish line, but you hardly remember the journey there. The content-intensive courses I teach are the foundational nutrition classes. Each contain at least six major learning objectives with about … Continue reading Implementing Student-Centered Activities in Content-Intensive Courses

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Digital Storytelling and Creative Communication: Does One Help Develop the Other?

Alan Alda, from M*A*S*H*, knows how to tell a story.  In one of his presentations, he asks a young woman to the stage.  Alda then asks the young woman to carry an empty glass across the stage.  She stares at the him awkwardly and does it without much fanfare. Alda then walks to her with … Continue reading Digital Storytelling and Creative Communication: Does One Help Develop the Other?

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Building Computational Thinking through a Gamified Classroom

Who says playing video games doesn’t teach you anything?  Playing and creating games could actually help students develop another 21st century skill, computational thinking (CT).  Computational thinking is  a form of problem solving that takes large, complex problems, breaks them down into smaller problems, and uses technology to help derive solution. In deriving solutions, students … Continue reading Building Computational Thinking through a Gamified Classroom

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Innovation Through Using Problem-Based Learning

Whenever I think of the word “innovation,” I am reminded of the bear, honey, and powerline story. If you are not familiar with this story, I’ll offer a brief synopsis here, though there are other detailed versions available. Employees of a powerline company met to brainstorm the issue of snow and ice accumulation on power … Continue reading Innovation Through Using Problem-Based Learning

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Effective Tech Tools in Content Curation for Research

The search for technology solutions that build 21st century skills to empower students continues with the concepts of “knowledge construction” and “content curation”. The ISTE standards for students defines knowledge construction by the ability of students to, “…critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful … Continue reading Effective Tech Tools in Content Curation for Research

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Incorporating Feedback Loops to Develop An Empowered Student

Being a successful professor means preparing students to be successful. Delivering classes centered on just accruing knowledge on a particular topic is no longer the primary task of professors. Gone are the days of the large lecture halls, professor front and center exhibiting their knowledge for students to somehow absorb.  Scholars are now calling for … Continue reading Incorporating Feedback Loops to Develop An Empowered Student

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