Measuring Student Contribution in a Software Engineering Team

Introduction In software engineering, there is very little consensus on how to measure an individual developer’s contribution. Although many measures have been proposed, their usefulness in the industry lacks validation, particularly from the perspectives of team leaders and managers (Lima et al., 2015). The lack of measurement also challenges educators (Gardner et al., 2003). This …

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Computer Science Curriculum Integration for K-9 Teachers

Introduction With a rapidly advancing world and integrating more technology into life, it has increasingly become evident to parents, teachers, and students alike that technological literacy is essential to primary education. Parents are pushing for increased computer science instruction in elementary schools as they realize how vital this knowledge will be in preparing their children …

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Crap Detection for Node Package Manager

Open-source software allows the source code to be freely available to the public, allowing anyone to inspect, modify, use, or distribute the code. It is typically developed and maintained by a community of volunteer developers who collaborate and contribute to the project. According to the Linux Foundation, open-source code is used in 70-90% of every …

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ISTE Standards for Coaches

First post for all categories

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Did It Work!? A Brief Look at Professional Development Evaluation in Higher Education & Beyond

As I continue to dive deeper into the research related to professional development (PD) and adult learning initiatives within higher education, one aspect of PD I’ve yet to explore is the evaluation of PD.  In other words, how do we determine if a PD enterprise was successful?  Is the learning having an ongoing, meaningful impact …

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Learning Analytics in Higher Education: What’s Working?

Data analytics play their part in all aspects of work and industry these days, and there’s no question that data analytics are also here to stay in the world of higher education. Through tracking, aggregating, and analyzing student activity captured in learning management systems, universities are hoping to “open the black box of education” using learning analytics technologies (Jones, 2019). Of course, in order to …

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Using Canvas Analytics to Support Student Success

Though online teaching/learning are hardly new concepts in education, the pandemic has necessitated a massive shift to online learning such that educators worldwide–at all levels–have had to engage with online learning in new, immersive ways.  Online learning can take many forms (synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid, hyflex, etc.), but regardless of the form, educators with access to …

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Bias in Higher Ed Admissions: Is New Tech Helping or Hurting?

It’s fairly well known that higher education admissions practices have made headlines in recent years, and issues of access and equity have been at the heart of the controversies. In 2019, a highly-publicized admissions scandal known as Operation Varsity Blues revealed conspiracies committed by more than 30 affluent parents, many in the entertainment industry, offering …

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A Few Best Practices for Online Learning & Adoption in Higher Education

Though the digital age may not actually be changing a student’s capacity to learn, it’s certainly changing how students access content and participate in learning environments. Digital technology thoroughly transforms the way in which we create, manage, transfer, and apply knowledge (Duderstadt, Atkins, & Van Houweling, 2002). Unsurprisingly, it’s also changing how educators teach, particularly …

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Thinking About Formative Assessment Differently

When I first started thinking about questions for the current module that I am in for school I was thinking about Genius Hour and how something like that might be incorporated authentically into a traditional classroom. I think my brain … Continue reading

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