Spreading the News: New Computer Science Framework and ISTE Students Standards

Administrators at the district and school level are instrumental in the successful pursuit and implementation of educational technology initiatives. As an instructional technology specialist demonstrating and applying the ISTE Coaching Standards, it’s a responsibility to help bridge all stakeholders to create a technology rich professional learning program. Exploring ISTE Coaching Standard 4: Professional Development and […]

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Designing a District Professional Learning Plan

In the DEL program course, Professional Development & Program Evaluation, we’re challenged with exploring best practices in educational technology professional development all while referencing the ISTE Coaching Standards. Coaching Standard 4: Professional Development and Program Evaluation specifically has us consider how educational technology coaches design, develop, and implement technology rich professional learning programs that model principles of […]

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Ensuring Learningpalooza is Learning Centered

I continue to investigate how I, as a educational technology leader and coach, will support ISTE Standard 4: Professional Development and Program Evaluation Performance Indicator B Design, develop, and implement technology rich professional learning programs that model principles of adult learning and promote digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment. In the upcoming all […]

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Application of Adult Learning in Technology Training

ISTE Coaching Standard 4: Professional Development and Program Evaluation What are the adult learning principles that may impact participation in online or self-paced professional learning? My interest in this question stems from observing our teachers wanting professional learning but are unable to find classes that fit their schedule. Because we have the technology to support […]

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Effective Communication & Questioning When Coaching

Coaches motivate, inspire, and encourage their players by asking questions, dispensing advice, encouraging do-overs and repeating skills to achieve excellence, and providing opportunities for growth. How do coaches learn and perfect their own coaching techniques? How do they know the questions to ask and how do they practice their skills? As a peer technology coach, studying the […]

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Site Visits, Communities, & Conferences: Growing A PLN

As I finish up fall quarter of SPU’s Digital Education Leadership Program, Peer Coaching & Leadership class, as well as the first 3 months in my new role as a Technology Integration Specialist, I am taking the opportunity to reflect on how I will continue to grow and learn while on the job. My guiding […]

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Connecting Curriculum with 21st Century Learning Standards

We often hear instructional technology leaders and educators say that it’s not about the technology, it’s about the learning. So should be said for the curriculum. Les Foltos said that technology integration is not something separate from content and pedagogy and is only effective when it supports and enhances 21st-century pedagogy and content. This week’s […]

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Students as Contributors Adding Value to our Communities

Many years ago, I worked in a school where student learning involved solving real-world problems. One example is when third graders interviewed city transportation officials as well as school district operations managers, parents, and staff to design a new parking lot and traffic pattern for the congested unsafe lot. They used math to design model […]

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Peer Coaching: Stronger Together

Tis the season…along every arterial median these days are multitudes of political signs with every catchy campaign slogan imaginable. There is one slogan during this campaign season I find relatable to this quarter’s class as we delve in to unpacking the ISTE Coaching Standards, specifically Standard 1: Visionary Leadership: Technology coaches inspire and participate in the development and […]

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Helping Teachers Increase Technology Fluency

What can digital learning coaches do to help teachers increase technology fluency while reducing anxiety associated with learning the technology? This past week I began the transition to a new position in a new school district. The changes are immense and plentiful. Big changes: Learning a new-to-me computer operating system; getting used to sharing a small office from […]

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