Authentic PBL Experience in Software Engineering

we will analyze the authenticity of a course-based software engineering project and how it can be improved to better prepare students for the challenges of the software development industry.

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PBL in a Packaged ELA Curriculum

How can English Language Arts educators incorporate PBL into scripted or paced curriculum programs without losing the essential aspects of the curriculum?

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PBL for the Teachers?

When it comes to classroom management and instruction, actively engaging learners in the learning process is important.  Now, what do you envision when you think about the students in this case?  Are they adults?  If not then maybe they should be because teacher professional development and learning opportunities need to continue moving away from “do …

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EDTC 6104 Community Engagement Project – Supporting Learning with Project-Based Learning and Nearpod

This summer as part of my EDTC 6104 course I have had the opportunity to learn more about ISTE Coaching Standard 3 and how it connects with my work as a coach and supporting educators and students. One of the … Continue reading

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ISTE-4 Innovative Designer

Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions. Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems. Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process …

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Module 3: Collaboration with Parents, Student Motivation, and Success

Collaboration and Success This week we were looking at the ISTE Standard for Teachers, #3 and specifically it seems to deal with parent communication or collaboration with parents, peers or the community. So based on my interpretation of the standards and conversations we had in our class that led me to two related questions. How … Continue reading “Module 3: Collaboration with Parents, Student Motivation, and Success”

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Module 4 – Supporting ELLs as Computational Thinkers

This week we were asked to look at ITSE student standard #5, Computational Thinking. According to Jeanette Wing’s 2006 article,  computational thinking is “a way of ‘solving’ problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior by drawing on the concepts fundamental to computer science” (Barr, Harrison, and Conery, 2011). Computer Science is a foreign language for … Continue reading “Module 4 – Supporting ELLs as Computational Thinkers”

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EDTC 6105: ISTE Coaching Standards 1d: Visionary Leadership, 2f: Teaching Learning & Assessment – Learning to Know vs. Learning To Be

ISTE Coaching Standard 1 provides four benchmarks for technology coaches to inspire and participate in the development and implementation of a shared vision for the comprehensive integration of technology to promote excellence and support transformational change throughout the instructional environment. My focus is on benchmark d: Implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology

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Students as Contributors Adding Value to our Communities

Many years ago, I worked in a school where student learning involved solving real-world problems. One example is when third graders interviewed city transportation officials as well as school district operations managers, parents, and staff to design a new parking lot and traffic pattern for the congested unsafe lot. They used math to design model […]

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