How a Grumpy Professor Developed a PLN

Question of the Week ISTE Standard for Educators 1C challenges professors to “Pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating in local and global learning networks.” But what if networking is not our forte, offline or online? What if we don’t quite understand how to get engaged on social media? Is that a requirement for…

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Teachers & TikTok, I Have Questions

My principal loves Twitter, and frequently lauds it as one of the best places to access professional development. This endorsement led me to approach social media as a professional development tool with an open mind, and I find that I return most frequently to TikTok. But social media app like

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Diverse Perspectives in Digital Learning Communities

Social media and online platforms present opportunities for educators to gather for camaraderie and professional development even when they are widely dispersed by geography. The existence of online communities creates more opportunities for educators with widely diverse perspectives to come together than ever before. Yet, some educator groups seem to

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Rough Waters: Helping Adolescents Navigate Digital Information Sources

How can digital tools effectively help secondary students critically evaluate the credibility, perspective or accuracy of digital sources or information in real time?

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Empowering students through Technology

Beyond the medical disparities affecting youth in under-served populations, social changes due to the pandemic such as the move to remote learning have a disproportionate affect. How can student choice and empowerment help students learn?

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Social Justice Pedagogy in a Digital Age

According to the Lexico website (a collaboration between and Oxford University Press), the definition for social justice is “justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.”  Often a misunderstood and ambiguous term for most, this succinct definition of social justice provides a foundation for basing social justice education efforts …

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Linking In to Professional Networks for Educators

LinkedIn for Teachers? “LinkedIn is for business people, right?”  That was my first thought as a classroom teacher when considering whether or not to explore the platform. “I guess it’s also for getting a job and I’ll eventually need to change schools,” was my second thought. So, I went ahead and created a LinkedIn account, …

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Professional Learning Networks: Connect, Relate, and Create

The digital world offers many ways of connecting with fellow professionals beyond your typical day and location. Instead of waiting for the weekly professional development meeting or your planning period to connect with your school bestie, educators can access Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) and get suggestions, answers and numerous perspectives within a few minutes. Innovating Pedogogy (2016) … Continue reading Professional Learning Networks: Connect, Relate, and Create

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Global Collaborative Project – Social Emotional Experiment – EDTC 6103 & 6104

This week in my exploration of ISTE Coaching Standards with my graduate program in Digital Education Leadership at Seattle Pacific University, I am continuing to examine ISTE Coaching Standard 3 and specifically point G, in an effort to understand how teachers can create… This standard immediately made me think of my final assignment and Global … Continue reading Global Collaborative Project – Social Emotional Experiment – EDTC 6103 & 6104

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EDTC 6105: ISTE Coaching Standard 4b: Utilizing Technology for PD

ISTE Coaching Standard 4 provides three benchmarks for technology coaches to conduct needs assessments, develop technology-related professional learning programs and evaluate the impact on instructional practice and student learning. My focus is on per…

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