Enhancing Physical Education through Coach-Educator Collaboration

In today’s ever-evolving educational landscape, the significance of partnerships between physical education coaches and teachers cannot be overstated. These alliances are pivotal in crafting enriching and captivating learning experiences. Drawing inspiration from the notable successes achieved in my own racing projects through the integration of groundbreaking tools like the Stridekick app, this article delves into … Continue reading Enhancing Physical Education through Coach-Educator Collaboration

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Enhancing Student Engagement in Online Learning: A Fishbowl Discussion Reflection

Creating a classroom environment conducive to discussions is the key…

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Promoting the 6C’s of Education through Digital Technologies in Higher Education

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those…

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Displaying Cultural Literacies in Canvas LMS

The Problem – My Assignment Fell Flat! All of us professors have had it happen. We work hours and hours to create The Perfect Assignment™. We pour in our anxious hearts and troubled souls, doing our best to enrich students’ lives. Instead of enraptured students’ insights, we hear crickets. What went wrong? What happens sometimes…

The post Displaying Cultural Literacies in Canvas LMS appeared first on Joseph Halbert.

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Making Meaningful and Engaging Online Discussion Questions

While the online classroom may be a new learning environment for many students and professors, certain truths remain the same no matter the medium. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that relationships are key to learning. Student – professor communication is important, but so too is student-student communication. One of the best ways…

The post Making Meaningful and Engaging Online Discussion Questions appeared first on Joseph Halbert.

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Scoping out Skype

A collaborative tool that gives students authentic, real-world learning experiences.

Our world is smaller than ever. No longer are we limited by geography, our social-economic status, or level of education. With the advancement of technology we now…

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ISTE 6 and 7: Creative Communication and Global Collaboration ~ Digital Tools and Toothpaste

ISTE Student Standards 6 and 7 focuses on creative communication and global collaboration. Providing opportunities for students to engage in this can feel daunting when looking through all the available digital tools and curriculum. Since there are so many platforms available to enable creative and global collaboration, the real question comes forth, which digital tools …

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Redefine Your Middle School Science Classroom with Blogging

Blogging as a practice shows great potential for students and teachers to redefine science classrooms. When implemented thoughtfully, blogs can empower students and expand the classroom through interactions with outside learning communities. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards call for 21st century science students to be creative communicators and global collaborators, and … Continue reading “Redefine Your Middle School Science Classroom with Blogging”

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Engaging Students in Global Collaboration

This week I’m looking at the ISTE Global Collaboration standard for students. My question this week was, how can students find experts to interact with online in order to expand their perspectives and collaborate with others? Our world is changing. … Continue reading

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